UCE, breakdown hours.


Hi all,

I done my training at University of Central England, I need them to supply a breakdown of my hours, for my CES report to CGFNS. They tell me they don't hold records of each students individual hours, is this the norm? As without this I'm unable to get my CES, which in turn prevents me from attempting the NCLEX exam. It has dragged on now for 3 months, where CGFNS keep informing me that they need a breakdown, but with my school saying they don't do that, I don't know where to turn. Any guildance would be greatfully apprieciated.

Kind regards finchy3.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

This could be the norm but each university will have their own policy. You could try the NMC and see if they have a document breaking down what is actually required by hours to be registered as a RN in the UK. There will be something as a lot of universities will not keep transcripts longer than 10 years and if you trained longer than that and decide to move country there could be an issue (I know my university will not keep longer than 10 years)

Hi all,

I done my training at University of Central England, I need them to supply a breakdown of my hours, for my CES report to CGFNS. They tell me they don't hold records of each students individual hours, is this the norm? As without this I'm unable to get my CES, which in turn prevents me from attempting the NCLEX exam. It has dragged on now for 3 months, where CGFNS keep informing me that they need a breakdown, but with my school saying they don't do that, I don't know where to turn. Any guildance would be greatfully apprieciated.

Kind regards finchy3.

Does the school have an old catalog which breaks down the hours clinical and theory for each course? That may help. Also have you kept your school evals ?

In the US each instructor has to keep a log of which student's attendance, this is audited by the state. So what CGFNS is asking is the standard in the USA.

What about a syllabus? Do you have your old assignments? This is the exact reason why I've kept EVERYTHING that I did in nursing school You never know when you're going to need it. Can you get in touch with all of your old instructors to see if they can help you with the breakdown of the hours? An old school calendar with times and dates?? Hope this helps. Good Luck

Specializes in emergency & chemotherapy.


I am not sure if you got your information eventually from the UCE... only just found this site, so this reply may not apply anymore - I have just sent a form off to the UCE as part of the requirement for entry to the USA too, they have filled it in and given breakdown of theory hours and types. I am going through a recruitment agency, I sent a letter along side it stating my student number and personal tutor ( - I trained 2000-2003), if you think it might help I could email you the form.

Good Luck with it all.


Hi SmithH75,

I'm also at UCE or should I say BCU as that's the new name now. I would be truly grateful if you could let me have access to the form you're referring about.

Where did you obtain it from, the admissions office? What's the form called, is there a form number on it?

Any information would be very helpful so when I ask them for it, it can cut down some of the confusion.

So, do you have all your clinical/theory hours in all the 5 areas of nursing that the US requests before you take the NCLEX?

Thanking you in advance,

Until next time.

Specializes in emergency & chemotherapy.


I am in the very early stages of trying to get to the USA. I have been living and working for the last 5 years in NZ, i came here with an agency, they do all the leg work for you and negotiate a good contract, help with visas etc. I was trying to go it alone but it's too hard for the USA, it gets too confusing. The form I used for the theory hours is from the nursing agency (Avant), I don't think there is an official form, I found out today they didn't fill in my clinical hours, but I have those on the back of the placement booklets.

Just keep a diary of your placements.

If you have a plan or dream, just go for it, it will be worth the frustrations and paperwork - it was a mission to get to NZ, I really did feel like giving up, there seemed to be too many hurdles.

Yesterday I did an online NCLEX mini test and sadly i only got 14/25 - I'll just have to do lots and lots of study - I will get there!!!

Good luck.


Hi H.

Thanks for writing back.

I know about Avant - they were really helpful and gave me some information regarding an agency in both Aus & NZ regarding making up clinical/theory hours for the USA.

So, I take it you did the Project 2000 Nursing? Was you able to get all your 5 elements of nursing (med, surg, peds, ob/gyn & psych)? If not, where did you make up these hours in NZ?

I contacted Otago Polytechnic in NZ because Avant told me they did a distance learning course (if you're not in NZ) to enable folk to make up theory/clinical hours. The rep from Otago said that there have been a alot of NZ & Aus nurses who need these additional hours to go to USA. So, I'm seriously contemplating, if I can't make up the hours in the U.K. then I'll have noooooooooooo :no: choice but to head to NZ to get them.:D

Hey, keep plucking away at that DARN NCLEX - you've still got time as you said you're still in the early stages.

I can't believe UCE (or should I say BCU) - why on earth couldn't they put the clinical hours - they're having a :chuckle (laugh) of course they've got the flippin clinical hours. Like you said its in the placement document which we have to tear off (after its been signed by our tutor) and then we have to hand it in to Department of Practice Learning. They're just being DIFFICULT!!! Furthermore, if they didn't have it how on earth did they pass your information on so that you could give your registration/PIN from NMC???? Ooooooh I'm getting really cross now just thinking about it.

Anyway, enough of that - good luck and please keep in touch. I will send you my email address via private message - look out for it.

Take care,

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