UBC nursing application 2011

World Canada CA Programs



I'm new to the site and I saw the thread for last years appilcants to UBC nursing so I thought I would start one for this year.

How is the application going for everyone, any tips from 2010 intake?

Upper years will be selling their books to you guys either the friday of your orientation (before class starts) or the during the first week of your orientation. Of course you will have readings on your first day so if you really feel the need to do these readings ahead of time then go out and buy the book.... I believe that everyone who did that last year regretting not getting the books much cheaper at the consignment sale. But of course it is always personal preference. It would be at most a few chapters which I'm sure would be very easy to catch up on. Again, your preference, but I know ALOT of books are ready for the consignment for you guys. Also.... 15% of that consignment goes to the NUS charity of the year!

I recommend you all join the facebook group for the 2011-2013 cohort as people are posting some things up on there about CPR classes, used scrubs, BP cuffs etc.

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