UAB Fall 2015 NP

Nursing Students School Programs


Is anyone applying for Fall 2015 NP admission at UAB? I can't seem to find a thread on it and the deadline is very soon! I am applying for the adult-gero NP program.

Not yet. I was hoping we may have heard something by now. I have an existing blazernet and no changes to it as of yesterday evening.

nothing yet...

So I am new to the thread and have a couple of questions. Is anyone able to see their GPA that was computed for their last 60 hours? Has anyone tried the trick to see if you can create a blazer ID and later see your concentration change to the program you applied for (as suggested by applicants in previous threads here)? Also, has anyone heard anything new from advisors or received any mail? I am starting to get nervous.

I also applied to Adult Gero, with FNP as second choice. Impatiently awaiting!

Hi ccerrn,

I don't know how to calculate the last 60 hours. I know there are GPA calculators out there but I have never tried to use them. I am not aware of any place to look at your transcripts and find this information.

I have a Blazernet account as I am employed with UAB and nothing has changed for me. No new advisor, and no concentration change.

No email or any other communication either :(

The waiting game continues!

As of this morning, my Blazer Net has changed. I was already a student, but now there is a link to the left above GPA (under concentration) that you can click that says "see future curriculum" and when you click on it it says Fall 2015 Adult Acute Care NP (this was my second choice, family was my first). I also have 4 holds on my account (health insurance, drug screen/background check, HIPAA, and needs updated POS. I have not received anything in the mail, so I am not getting excited until then! Anybody else had any changes??

You are right!! I now have an advisor listed and my concentration has been changed to Adult-Gero Primary!! My goodness they have been busy today :)

Awesome! Was that your first or second choice? Trying to figure out how they are doing this...

Me too!!! Adult Gero, my first choice!!

Adult Gero primary was my only choice, I didn't have a backup. Congrats guys!!

Hi I'm new to the thread but I have an advisor for adult adult gero primary !

Awesome! It's showing (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME - PLEASE DO NOT POST NAMES OF THOSE IN YOUR PROGRAM PER TOS) for me in the adult gero primary program.

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