TWU vs. UT Austin?


I was recently admitted to both TWU (in Dallas) and UT Austin for Spring 2010. I know both schools are GREAT which makes this decision hard. I enjoy both cities and I was just wondering if there was anyone that attended either of these that had comments about their experience (the school plus the hospitals that their clinicals were)?

Thanks so much in advance!

I got accepted to UT austin SoN, start this spring. I did prereqs here so this school was my first choice and only choice pretty much, but i got in!

Hopefully u did choose UT austin over TWU, so i might see u here. Brackenridge is great, i volunteered there, every1 is nice and it is a very big trauma hospital so there are lots of diff things to see. That as much experience as i can give u. GL!

Go Brack!!!! Greatest hospital in Austin!

I'm about to graduate from UT and it has for the most part been a great experience. Austin is a really fun place to live. I really liked most of the hospitals where we did our rotations, especially Dell Children's. I had a lot of great instructors, but I think I just got lucky. The curriculum is OK for the most part.

As for the negatives: Parking is a huge waste of time, money, and energy. It's very frustrating, even if you have a C permit. Traffic is really bad in Austin and living downtown can be expensive. Most of the instructors are good, but I've heard about and experienced some that were kind of crazy.

I got into 2012 spring pre-nursing program @ ut austin! Does anyone know how likely we are to actually get in the upper division nursing? My letter says I am accepted to school of nursing...does anyone know what that means?

How hard is it to get into UT Austin pre-nursing and what are odds of getting into upper level nursing school? Please help.

If you're in the pre nursing and do well I wouldn't know why you wouldn't be able to advance to the upper level courses. Are you a freshman or transfer student?

I am a transfer student...

I heard they take preference to those who take sciences there

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