TWU Spring 2019 Nursing Applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


  1. Which campus are you thinking of applying to?

41 members have participated

Starting this for anyone thinking about applying to Texas Women's University's Nursing program for Spring 2019. Even though it seems like a long time from now it's never too early to start preparing to apply:happy:

Is anyone else prepping for the TEAS or has already taken it?

where did you find your admissions score?

You have to fill out the TWU worksheet on excel. It will show up grey numbers near the bottom right corner, under all your grade inputs.

I'm sounding so stupid but where is the worksheet?

I'm sounding so stupid but where is the worksheet?


Bachelor of Science (BS) with a major in Nursing - Nursing - Texas Woman's University

Go to this link and toward the bottom there is a Pre-Requisite Advising Worksheet in an Excel spreadsheet. There's also instructions for it. Hope it helps!

There's a FB group for Dallas now! It's under "TWU Nursing Dallas - Class of December 2020"

Do you think TWUNursingAdm will post about the statistics on how many applied, average GPA accepted, lowest and highest score, etc.? I hope they do!

Hi my name is Cameron Gibson, I was accepted for the Dallas program. Please accept my request for the Facebook group. (:

I was accepted for the Dallas program and would love to be accepted on the Facebook page! My name is Mikaila Summers :)

I was accepted at Dallas :) My name is Danielle Carrillo, please accept me on the Dallas Facebook Group! :)

Just wondering if there is anyone in here that is going to decline their admission for Houston?

Yeah i am. U of H was my first choice.

I had 43 points and the lowest admitted to Houston was 45. I found out that they did not waitlist people, but they will email back students who did not get accepted if spaces open up. I think I am very close so I was just seeing my chances of getting an email back.

Can I ask where you got this information? I set an appointment to speak with a nursing advisor but it's in like two weeks :/

I had 43 points and the lowest admitted to Houston was 45. I found out that they did not waitlist people, but they will email back students who did not get accepted if spaces open up. I think I am very close so I was just seeing my chances of getting an email back.
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