twu spring 2012 applicants!

U.S.A. Texas


Hey guys! I wanted to start a forum for us twu spring 2012 hopefuls!

About me

I have a 3.2, yikes! :sofahider, and after this summer it should come up to a 3.6 or 7 and I am studying my butt off for the teas and will only have 3 more classes after that to take. I have gotten into the university as the first step, but I am so worried about getting into the nursing program, fingers crossed :uhoh3:

hmmmm check and make sure. mine printed out and came out online as soon as i clicked the last question

hhmmm I am getting nervous now, let me just wait for the 48 hours they said, and then I'll start from there...

hhmmm I am getting nervous now, let me just wait for the 48 hours they said, and then I'll start from there...

Hey, I have to check my score under the ATI website right? I go to "my transcript" and I do no see anything in there.

Hey Leinus! If you click on the 3rd tab (from the right) on top titles "My Results" it should bring up your current proctored assessments. Then you can click on the assessment report to view your scores...but you should also be able to view it under "My Transcript." I hope you can view it soon, good luck! ♥

Hey Leinus! If you click on the 3rd tab (from the right) on top titles "My Results" it should bring up your current proctored assessments. Then you can click on the assessment report to view your scores...but you should also be able to view it under "My Transcript." I hope you can view it soon, good luck! ♥

Thanks Monkey891, but still nothing in there :*-(

Hi guys!!! I finally got my score yay it was 74% which I think is terrible lol but heyy looking at the national and program mean which are 63% and 68% respectively, I think mine is not too bad at all. Anyways, I let everything on God's hands, he will know what to do with my future. Wish you the best to all of you!!!

i got a 72 and thought the wold was over till ui saw how i stacked up ;)

So... I need to take my TEAS V, but the website is jacked up and wont let me schedule my test, although I've been registered for a week. I've tried calling only to get long hold times and their customer service e-mail box is full. Then I do some Google searches and found some giant forums of complaints about them... It isn't looking good. What should I do?

Happy applying to everyone! :)

when are you scheduled for? if you have alredy registered i think you can just go ahead and take it.

That's the thing. I'm registered, but not scheduled. The new PSI system requires that you schedule only after paying, and the website won't let me schedule because it has some kind of glitch. TWU's site says I have to now schedule at a PSI location, and PSI's website won't list any for any state, nor can I get a hold of them. (TWU's website says I also must contact PSI if there is a problem with scheduling my test). I already paid for it, so I am pretty frustrated.

sorry to hear that hope it works out

am more than nervous i havent take my TEAS nd HESi yet and am not done preparing and neither have i started the application process this is really streesful

the application process in it self is such an ordeal, esp when you applying to multiple schools

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