Two questions on immigration

World International



i have 2 questions on immigration. before that, let me tell you my situation real quick.

I'm a nursing student here in california. (i'll be graduating in dec 2008). i keep reading the forum about all those problems on immigration and how there is no visa.

my girlfriend (us citizen) and I are planning on getting married soon. I'd like to work as soon as possible after garduating and taking the nclex.

would it be smarter for me to get married first and try to get a work authorization?

or do that "impossible" employement based GC process?

let me know. i will be hiring a lawyer in the futur but i was wondering what you guys think since it seems that some of you are pretty knowledgeable on the subject.

thank you in advance

ps: great forum by the way

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If you are planning on marrying your USC fiance then this would be the easier route and once married you just need to submit all required paperwork and fees. If you do not get married and still looking at working after graduation as it stands at the moment you haven't got a chance. But only get married if you are planning on getting married not for the GC as immigration are looking more closely at marriages for fraud.

Unless you get married very soon, there is no way that you will be able to start work soon after you graduate. You will not get a visa that will permit you to work immediately after the wedding, just not going to happen and you she cannot start the process for you until after you are legally married. And then it takes months to get, it is not immediate.

But make sure that this is something that you truly wish to do and not to remain in the US, your green card will only be issued temporarily and will need to be renewed after two years and you will be watched closely.

A question to ask yourself, would you be getting married if there was not any retrogression in place?

thanks for the help guys.

we've been living together for almost 7yrs now so marriage was in the air for quite a while now. i was just waiting to get done with school. we were just trying to find out which way would be the smartest for both of us.

you guys helped me with your answers.

thanks a lot

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You are welcome and good luck

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