Trying for Gwinnett Tech Fall 2013

U.S.A. Georgia


So I am trying to get into gwinnett techs fall of 2013 class and i just wanted to start a forum for us to support each other and for info. I still have a couple pre reqs to take but im hoping to do well! Good luck everyone

"Apr 9, '12 by [COLOR=#003366]bad karma Apr 9, '12 by [COLOR=#003366]bad karma A member since Mar '12 - from 'Atlanta, Ga'. Posts: 6 Likes: 8

Hi All,

I went online last week and the Official Transcript section of showed my program being HLC-Health Care Science Cert, today went I checked it shows NUR-Nursing Degree. Hopefully this is a good sign. Good luck to everybody"

Apr 7, '12 by [COLOR=#003366]DeviMak Apr 7, '12 by [COLOR=#003366]DeviMak A member since Feb '10 - from 'n/a'. Posts: 96 Likes: 47


[COLOR=#003366]Quote from mg100

For all of you that were able to get in to the system and see a date, I also have a date of April 5 under "Received", but nothing under "Note" or "Status". What did you guys have? Maybe that date just means all of the information is in???

Apr 5, '12 by

Here's how you can check: go to
and click on Apply for admissions/check admissions status. It will have you log in. On the next page, click on Fall semester 2012. You'll see your personal information and if you scroll all the way down, the Program Director's Approval is there. I wonder if they'll update that before or after they send notifications out.

Apr 7, '12 by
Apr 7, '12 by
A member since Mar '12 - from 'Snellville, GA, US'. Posts: 52 Likes: 42


"I have a date under program director's approval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If what you guys are saying is true, OMG I am the happiest most blessed person on the earth right now at this moment!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!! from previous applicants that got accepted, the date showed up and then the email came. That's why we are guessing it means we are accepted. We could be wrong though! LOL For what it's worth though... there are no "notes" or "status" beside my transcripts, compass, etc. Just a date under the received. Having a date in the Program Director Approval means the program Director has approved that person for program though, so I'm pretty sure we are right. "


If what happened last year was anything to go by, then we can definitely see a sign by the end of the week. As early as 5th April last year, these changes occurred in students' accounts. When they contacted the office they said it didn't mean anything but as it turned out, those were good signs. Nothing in my account changed and I didn't get accepted.

1. If you open your transcript and your program has changed from Healthcare Cert to Assoc. Degree Nursing there's hope....

2. If you log in to check your application status and you see a date by the Program Director's Approval, it's even a better sign...

I hope this helps!!! Good Luck!

Thanks for all the information ladies! My score is a 173.5 and I hope that's enough to get in!

Hi everyone! I'm still pretty new to this website. I have a 3.89 GPA and made an 86 on the Kaplan. Checking Banner every day just waiting to see something next to the Director's approval.

Good luck everyone!

I just checked and I have a date next to Director's approval and it says Accepted under decision. My major is now showing as Nursing instead of pre- nursing/healthcare!

I just checked too! Same for me as CurlyQ-nurse! Banner has director's approval and my major is now Nursing!

YEA!!!! Congratulations CurlyQ!!!!

I just checked too! Same for me as CurlyQ-nurse! Banner has director's approval and my major is now Nursing!

YEA!!!! Congratulations CurlyQ!!!!

Congratulations to you too!!!

Congrats KatyMay and CurlyQ!

Have your majors changed in your transcript too? Mine says accepted when I checked my application status, but my transcript still has Health Care certificate as my primary major. Trying not to get my hopes up too high before being sure. :unsure:

At the bottom of your application summary in the check application status part of banner there is a section called "Requirements". The first line says Program Director's Approval. There should be a date in that box. If there is no date, then I'm not sure if it means you didn't get accepted or if they haven't input your acceptance yet.

I see a date for that, but in my transcripts my major is still listed as HealthCare certificate. Im wondering if your major changed in your transcipt as well as the application status.

I'm so confused! I don't have any date under director's approval but under decidion it used to say pending and now it changed to accepted?????

I checked again and now i also have a date under Director's approval!!!!!

Congrats KatyMay and CurlyQ!

Have your majors changed in your transcript too? Mine says accepted when I checked my application status, but my transcript still has Health Care certificate as my primary major. Trying not to get my hopes up too high before being sure. :unsure:

Yes, my major has changed to Nursing.

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