trying to get sick time off for a md appt

Specialties NP


Specializes in General.

I have tried for 2 months to get 4 hours off for a md appt, each request has been denied due to other providers already being on vacation, etc my problem is that my md office only schedules 28 days out ( I am seen at a military base) so by the time i book the appt and request the time off it is already too late, if i schedule the time off and wait for approval thier are no appt's, i have HTN and asthma it is now to the point that my md has refused to refill any more of my medications until I am seen by him, I was told when I started this position no time off allowed for the first six months, I am past my six months, I realize that providers need to be available, and i am one of only 3 ped's providers for the county that we can not be off at the same time. I guess the last straw was the memo that stated due to cash flow they were not allowing for any more requests for vacation for october , december or january this leaves me november when i will be out of medication for 3 weeks, but at the same time the new nurse they hired has been out for 1 of 3 months for diffeent issues so how do i handle this with out making waves I called in sick once during my 6 months due to strep I am so frustrated now so do make a appt and just call in sick or what

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Golly - your health has to come first otherwise, you're not going to be of much use to them.

I vote, schedule the appt, tell the secretary (whoever makes appts) that you need this afternoon or morning blocked off and go.

They are treating you like a lowly grunt. You are a healthcare provider and they should be courting you and allowing you time to meet your own basic needs. Six months without a day off is horrible! Make the appointment a few weeks in advance, send a letter notifying the office manager and tcc the other practicing physicians of your appointment. Have the scheduler block the morning off and then proceed with business as normal.

And also, I would consider this issue and the recent cash flow "warning" as a huge red flag that is pushing you forward to look for other positions. I would expect this sort of bullying from management in a hospital system trying to beat down staff RNs but this is a different situation. I would bet you my next paycheck that the physicians don't have to beg and plead every time they need some time off. Just do it, block off the time and don't look back. If there really is only 3 ped providers then they should be kissing your feet and not stomping on them!

Specializes in General.
They are treating you like a lowly grunt. You are a healthcare provider and they should be courting you and allowing you time to meet your own basic needs. Six months without a day off is horrible! Make the appointment a few weeks in advance, send a letter notifying the office manager and tcc the other practicing physicians of your appointment. Have the scheduler block the morning off and then proceed with business as normal.

And also, I would consider this issue and the recent cash flow "warning" as a huge red flag that is pushing you forward to look for other positions. I would expect this sort of bullying from management in a hospital system trying to beat down staff RNs but this is a different situation. I would bet you my next paycheck that the physicians don't have to beg and plead every time they need some time off. Just do it, block off the time and don't look back. If there really is only 3 ped providers then they should be kissing your feet and not stomping on them!

I wish it were that easy everyone who requests time off has to request it in writing from the docs all the way down to housekeeping. They then look to see how many providers are off at one time. As far as the cash flow that letter was sent to every one in the orginization so it was not just directed at me but i agree that they need to let me take care of my own health needs, other than this one issue I love my job so I will keep you posted

Make the appointment and call in sick. This is're not a dog!

Specializes in allergy and asthma, urgent care.

I think you're going to have to call in sick. You've tried to do things the right way, and your health is suffering because of their inflexibility. You have to do what's best for you.

I wish it were that easy everyone who requests time off has to request it in writing from the docs all the way down to housekeeping. They then look to see how many providers are off at one time. As far as the cash flow that letter was sent to every one in the orginization so it was not just directed at me but i agree that they need to let me take care of my own health needs, other than this one issue I love my job so I will keep you posted

It is sometimes appalling to me how much power business/practice managers have in a healthcare office! SERIOUSLY ? The docs and other providers have to ask for time off just like the McDonalds employees?? That is just insane but I have seen it many times before. I think it is great that you love the job otherwise, but this is something that must change. If the providers stop stooping to the level the practice managers want them to, then I am thinking the practice manager will start treating you guys with the respect you deserve.

My email/letter would read something like this:

As per the email dated X/X/X regarding low cash flow and the request that providers not take time off from work , I am writing to let you know I am eager to do my part. In order to prevent an extended absence due to personal health issues, it is *imperative* that I keep my own healthcare appointment for next Tuesday morning. Disregarding this appointment and delaying it further will negatively impact the whole practice because the delay will negatively impact my health and cause multiple absences . Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I have instructed X to block off my schedule from 9-11:30 on X/X/X.

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