Trying to Get along

Nurses General Nursing

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So I just got out of the Marine Corps last year and am in an ADN program. The issue I'm having is working mostly with a lot of Men all the time. I am enjoying working with a lot of women. I have had a lot of terrible experiences with women. Growing up, my mother had a drug addiction growing up in crack houses living with different people's entire childhood, etc. Well, in the Marines, women are not treated very well a lot of the time, and talked down to,fake rumors sexual abuse a lot of super disgusting things just a tough life, and its a hard life. So what I'm getting at is I feel like a butt hole for having those views on women mostly peers pressure . Now working with so many adamant, intelligent, and powerful women, I can't change my childhood, but these women are showing me the best side of women possible. I find my self wanting approval looking at them as mentors more than most men I have had, but I don't feel like I fit the shoes of a nurse no matter how bad I try. I love the classes I find it interesting. Honestly, at first, I was in it for the money, and well being deployed a lot I wanted a family. What I'm asking is how do I get the women I go to class with to want to work with me, cause I want to be a good team member and I want to stop acting like I Know every dang thing like I did in the Marines. I need help, and I want to ensure I am working correctly and not messing stuff up. So I might make it into the program. I want this so bad, I don't want to be the *** guy that no one wants to work with. I was with _____________, and it was very close group. I want the same cohesion where ever I start working. Honestly, I want to fit in. I'm very confident, I'm not afraid to answer questions and tell people there wrong and I enjoy being corrected I feel like it makes me a stronger student and maybe one day RN. I am not very good-looking, so I can only assume instead of being sure I look like an *** not mentioning the looks because of women but in general if you ugly people think your annoying. I want to be a good nurse, I'm not expecting a pity party and a well you have been "a sexist piece of *** your whole " life it's okay we will treat you like your not part of the problem women are still suppressed in the world. I would never bring this up in person. I want to fit in, and I want to know how to be a helpful male nurse. I want to get torn apart, which is fine. I like crying my self to sleep LOL. Looking for advice on how to better approach trying to be apart of a team. Thank you

On 3/12/2020 at 7:08 PM, juniper222 said:

Have you thought about getting some counseling at the VA? Many of the VAs have programs to help vets deal with fitting back into society. I know getting out and trying to find your way can be very difficult for some vets. At least you would have someone to talk about what you're feeling and offer a different approach that might be helpful.

So its tough to get counseling, and my issues are not severe. I'm loosing hearing in my right ear from a flash bang grenade going off next to it I think but I do talk to a military counselor on campus everything it helps I lost a good friend to suicide so it help to talk about him and try and forget I could have had a beer with him instead of my eyes glued my damn Xbox. I rejected counseling so much and now I am going and its like years of pilled on *** man. Really the ear and transition hardest part. Marines are super alpha male so its nice to let my fist down and not have to throw down in the barracks drunk every-weekend. Thank for the advice I'm setting up an appointment if this corona virus wipe out the species. Then my ear will really be the last problem

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