Published Feb 6, 2011
littlemammanurse, BSN, RN
185 Posts
I love being a nurse!I am upgrading to my BSCN and will have obtained it in 3 years(2014 at the latest).I am stuck between continuing on and doing a midwifery program or a NP program after obtaining my BSCN.I love children and babies, new moms.I did a postpartum placement and I absolutely loved it!I am trying to decide whether to be a nurse practitioner or a midwife.Considering that I love babies and new moms would a midwife be a better choice, or as a nurse practitioner could I specify in doing babies and moms or pediatrics?
LittleWing21, RN
175 Posts
I'm in a similar boat right now! Debating PNP vs Midwife. I'm starting to lean toward CNM though because I have little interest in diagnosing illness and prescribing medications. I feel like CNM would be a more holistic profession. Good luck deciding!
176 Posts
A thousand years ago when I graduated (and I was living in Ontario) I went to a information session on the Midwifery program. The thing that I took away from it was that you have to be totally comitted to your career. On call, all the time was how they described it. Unlike physicians that take turn with call, the midwives followed all of their patients through delivery. Personally, I felt like it was too much for me. Good luck with your decision
That's really the one thing that is making me hesitate...can you raise a family and be a midwife? Hrmmm...Thanks for bringing up that point!
tablefor9, RN
299 Posts
Lots of people are midwives and raise families, I know several midwives who have very large families, in fact. From what I understand, you are a working RN, right? Work with several areas and see what you are passionate about. There's plenty of time, since you've committed the next few years to BSN.
No actually I am just an RPN working my way to my RN BSCN.After I am done getting my RN I want to either be a midwife or a NP, just not sure which would suit me better?
Littlemamanurse: For NP options there's Neonatal, Pediatric, or Family NP. There's also the option of becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist, which in some states is considered advanced practice nursing. However, that option seems to be in the process of phasing out.
Would you prefer inpatient or outpatient care? Neonatal NP's tend to work in NICU's and function similarly to a medical resident. Pediatric and Family NP's tend to work outpatient as primary care practitioners.
When you do your clinicals for your RN, you may get a better idea of what is right for you :)