Trouble In Paradise

Nursing Students General Students


Hi. I am new to this, so please be patient. Ha Ha Ha, seriously. I am professional as a Student Practical Nurse, but why does it seem there are so many butt-holes in my class? What happened to people going into Nursing, because THEY CARE...They are negative, critical of the instructors, and it seems like a reality show, where they want to "eliminate" one another. How in the world do I stay positive, and focused? :angryfire

Daytonite - that was brilliantly said! :)

You are going to find that anywhere you go. Believe me, I've done my share of whining and complaining myself, as have all of the other students in my class. We need to vent somehow, sometimes. It isn't healthy to feed the negativity though, because then life would be miserable and before you know it you're sucked in as well. Just always offer something positive when others complain to get their minds back on track and if that doesn't work , maybe just staying to yourself is the best thing you can do for you! Good luck.

It's hard to stay positive when everyone around you is a spoiled friggin pre-madonna. I've been there. I have learned to just laugh at them under my breath.:lol2: What a miserable existence. Can you imagine spending all your energy complaining all day. There is usually a couple people in a class who manage to stay positive. ( of course we all have our breakdowns) Just remember why you're there. Good luck!

Well put!! Thanks!:lol2:

While I completely understand where you are coming from...nursing school is hands down the most stressful thing I have ever done. You are in a constant state of "fight or flight." Therefore, when other situations come up in what is left of your can be difficult and manifest itself as being cranky/negative. Not all the time,granted- but you will have those days.

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