I am told by my professor that I could fail because I am unorganized, unprepared (I don't know anything about my drugs or any other material I have went over in the previous semesters), and I look like a "deer in headlights". I often ask the same question over and I will need more assistance through a skills procedure. Other days, she says, I am on point. She says she's going to fail me if I am not consistently on point, and because she doesn't know what level I'm at (one day I know what I'm doing, time management is good-other days, not so much) she thinks I will be unsafe.
This is my last semester, and I don't know what happened between 3rd semester and now, but I seem to have a brain fog. Please don't respond with ways as to how I can fix this or that I need to identify the underlying problem. Thank you, but for this post, I just want to ask about how to become better as a last semester nursing student in clinical. I don't know what happened between now and last semester, but everything is sort of a blur.
For all nursing students and RN's out there:
-After you receive report on your patient from your professor, what are some general questions you would ask the RN taking care of that patient? I know this is a broad question, since questions are usually specific to your client, but I feel like lately I haven't been asking my nurse any questions. I just go into the room, do my physical assessment, talk, check IV site look at pump and see what's infusing, see if the bag is almost empty, go back to the nurses station, document, briefly look at medical history (if there's time), then move onto the next patient and repeat.
-I think my problem is I'm afraid to ask questions because I feel they're stupid.
Thank you.