Published May 8, 2012
23 Posts
How do I let my principal/teachers know that if I have a student who has had an accident and is now in my office I don't need staff in there. How do I explain if you are not direct contact step out. I know they mean well but sometimes they make the controlled situation I have established chaotic. Suggestions? Comments? all appreciated.
missnurse01, MSN, RN
1,280 Posts
just tell them thanks, do to privacy issues/laws you need time alone with the student. that's what I would try, and what I do when I need people to leave for various reasons (although I don't work school nursing!)
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
Most of the time, all I need to say to them is "I got this, thanks for bringing Jimmy to me!" They usually get the message that I just want to be left alone to manage the crisis by myself. If they are not listening, won't leave, or are making things worse (arguably, sometimes it is helpful to have the staff there - depends on the situation) i will either a- send them on a task for me (can you just let the principal know that Sally fell off her chair and hit her head) or b. just tell them straight up they need to go back to their classrooms. nicely of course! A little assertiveness goes a long way in situations like this.
206 Posts
gently..."I have this and need to assess my student", then gently clsoe the door, OR ask one person to stay as a witness and explain, the student talks NOT YOU". Usually enough to shut them up or get them out.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,678 Posts
I agree with Flare.....As a school we have established roles as to who does what...once the teacher brings the kid (although I have encouraged them to call me if it is an emergency)...I too will say "Thanks so much" and the teacher usually needs to get is the entourage who need to be there as "support" that can be a challege. They don't get why I ask them to give us some privacy and have no problem asking for information. I smile ever so sweetly "MYOB!" and ask them to return to class. Please. Now. Buh Bye!