Trent University Compressed Nursing 2016

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone,

It's that time of year again! I have applied to Trent University's compressed nursing program for Fall 2016. We can share admissions/GPA information here to help each other out! My cGPA is 76% & the chances seem very slim considering the cut-off of high 70s.

Goodluck to everyone going through this stressful process!

Where else have you applied?

I've applied to Humber, George Brown (both RPN and RN), Seneca (both RPN and RN), and Ryerson (4 years program).

Got accepted to all schools except for Humber.


I have also applied to the Trent Compressed Program and waiting on hearing back. Did anyone else hear back from them?

I heard from Trent today. It didn't show up on my main page but it was under the application status tab.

I don't know much about the program offered at Trent. Can someone lay out the important things about the program and how the placements are? Thanks! :)

hello! Just wanna know if Trent offers placements in Toronto? How are placements assigned?

ckcat01: for all placements, you are expected to be able to work within the Peterborough region. You have a LTC placement, a mental health or mat-child unit placement over the first summer, a community placement, an acute care placement, and a chronic care placement. For these you rank possible choices in order of preference. You might have one or two options in Lindsay, an option in Oshawa, an option in Cobourg, and a few options in Peterborough city/county. I don't know how the algorithm works - I always seemed to get placed where I wanted, while friends from Oshawa would request the Oshawa placement and not receive it.

All of my placement experiences have been very positive, but it very much depends on what type of clinical instructor you get, just like at every nursing school. You will have a lot of hands on practice in labs and simulations outside of placement.

For your last 2 semesters (preconsolidation and consolidation), you will meet with the placement coordinator and indicate specific preferences (setting, institution, region, etc). You have the option of going anywhere - almost any setting, out of country, out of province, etc. Whether or not you get placed there depends on if the placement coordinator can successfully negotiate a spot for you. I know that St Mikes won't take Trent students because they have a partnership with U of T nursing school. I have friends in previous years of the program who were placed at Princess Margaret and Sunnybrook, their #1st choice requests.

So before my status did not have "EL" on it but now it says "Status: EL - Trent University is still evaluating your application",might be a silly question but does that EL mean?

So before my status did not have "EL" on it but now it says "Status: EL - Trent University is still evaluating your application",might be a silly question but does that EL mean?

it means that you've accepted an offer at a different school. This doesn't effect your application with trent.

Hi rkfka16, what was your gpa like? Congrats by the way :)

Hi rkfka16, what was your gpa like? Congrats by the way :)

thanks! i have a 3.7. I believe last year's cut-off was 3.5?

Hey :)

did anyone hear back from Trent as of April?

ckcat01: for all placements, you are expected to be able to work within the Peterborough region. You have a LTC placement, a mental health or mat-child unit placement over the first summer, a community placement, an acute care placement, and a chronic care placement. For these you rank possible choices in order of preference. You might have one or two options in Lindsay, an option in Oshawa, an option in Cobourg, and a few options in Peterborough city/county. I don't know how the algorithm works - I always seemed to get placed where I wanted, while friends from Oshawa would request the Oshawa placement and not receive it.

All of my placement experiences have been very positive, but it very much depends on what type of clinical instructor you get, just like at every nursing school. You will have a lot of hands on practice in labs and simulations outside of placement.

For your last 2 semesters (preconsolidation and consolidation), you will meet with the placement coordinator and indicate specific preferences (setting, institution, region, etc). You have the option of going anywhere - almost any setting, out of country, out of province, etc. Whether or not you get placed there depends on if the placement coordinator can successfully negotiate a spot for you. I know that St Mikes won't take Trent students because they have a partnership with U of T nursing school. I have friends in previous years of the program who were placed at Princess Margaret and Sunnybrook, their #1st choice requests.

How often does it happen? I'm hoping to get placements in Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal (I have family there) or to do an placement in America. It would be awesome to get my first pick :) Could we also help in the networking or is it only up to the coordinators? And this two placements are for the last Summer and Fall sessions? I'm a little confused about how the Trent program goes for. Would it be like Sept 2016 to Dec 2018, (3 Fall, 2 Winter, 2 Summer terms) are there any breaks in between? I know other programs either have a one free summer.

How often does it happen? I'm hoping to get placements in Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal (I have family there) or to do an placement in America. It would be awesome to get my first pick :) Could we also help in the networking or is it only up to the coordinators? And this two placements are for the last Summer and Fall sessions? I'm a little confused about how the Trent program goes for. Would it be like Sept 2016 to Dec 2018, (3 Fall, 2 Winter, 2 Summer terms) are there any breaks in between? I know other programs either have a one free summer.

You absolutely will be able to go out of country, province, but you need to touch base with the placement coordinator well in advance and keep your marks up - there is a cut off. You won't be able to organize placements or contact people about them yourself, it's against policy and they don't. Of course nothing is guaranteed because it varies by what is available year to year.

The program has no breaks apart from the chance of having a week between exams and next session - it is laid out as follows

Fall 1 (Nurs 1000, 1001, Biol 1050, Biol-Chem 1550, +0.5 credit 3000 level elective)

Winter 1 (Nurs 1020 Long-term care placement + labs, Nurs 1002, 2550, 2030, Biol 1051)

Spring & Summer 1 (Nurs 2021 Mat/Child or Mental Health placement + labs, Nurs 2003, 2001)

Fall 2 (Nurs 2020 Community placement, Nurs 2000, 3030, 3550, +0.5 credit 3000 elective)

Winter 2 (Nurs 3020 Acute placement + labs, Nurs 3000, 3001, 3004, + forced choice elective)

Spring 2 (Nurs 3021 Chronic placement + labs)

Summer 2 (Nurs 4020 Pre-consolidation + online advanced topic)

Fall 3 (Nurs 4021/4022 Consolidation + online advanced topic)

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