Guaranteed hours with AmericanMobile

Specialties Travel


My wife has been with intelistaf the last 3 assignments. Overall she has been pleased with them, however she is considering changing to americanmobile because they have an assignment where she wants to go and intelistaf does not. Intelistaf has always had guaranteed 36 hours of pay per week written into the contract. American mobile is saying that they can not do this. When my wife started asking about this the recruiter tried to blow it off and started mentioning all of the "wonderful" benefits they had to offer. What do you guys think? Have you had any bad experiences with americanmobile?

Specializes in Emergency, Infusion Therapy, Patient Ed..

I would never work for an agency that doesn't guarantee hours. There are too many out there that do...I would also be leary of recruiters who paint beautiful pictures of wonderful benefits....nothing is free...there is a bill rate split into two parts...their profit/expenses....and your compenstion package....nothing is free.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

There area number of threads here on AMH.

Most of them are not favorable. And based on my experience, I would not work with them.

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.
There area number of threads here on AMH.

Most of them are not favorable. And based on my experience, I would not work with them.


Specializes in Newborn ICU, Trauma ICU, Burn ICU, Peds.

I have many many friends who travel and every single one of them has had a bad experience with American Mobile. One actually had to open two bank accounts and once she was paid into the first one, she'd immediately transfer it to the next one because she had had AM take her pay back in the past.

Specializes in ICU's,TELE,MED- SURG.

Anything AM has, Cross Country has and with guaranteed hrs. Usually higher pay as well.

Thank you all for your responses. I'm contacting Cross Country today. I REALLY appreciate it.:monkeydance:

Cross Country had the same contract with guaranteed hours. LadyNASDAQ a special thanks to you. You saved my wife and I a lot of stress and frustration.

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