Travel Nurse contract.

Specialties Travel


Hello! I have a question. I signed up with an travel company back in November. I asked for an assignment to Hawaii so I could spend time with my husband, whose in the military. Well, they kept promising assignments and nothing ever materialized so I decided to take a chance and apply for permanent position in Hawaii on my own. Well I traveled there for a few interviews but I never received any offers. Then yesterday, my recruiter called with an assignment and I said I would take it. Well, He haven't sent me a contract but he sent me a list of compliance paper. The facility required a sign contract.I paid for my own labs, tiers and etc. So this morning, I git offer for a permanent position in Hawaii and I want to take it. Because I verbally agreed to take the assignment, will I be held liable if I dont take the assignment?

Yes, its at the same hospital. I didn't know that! I am new to travel nursing so I was completely clueless about that rule. But like I said before, I shouldve research things more before I decided to try travel nursing. Hard lesson learned

Perhaps it is for the best. You might do the assignment and discover that you hate the hospital and/or Hawaii.

In general, you don't want to work travel before perm as there is usually a big fee by the agency to the hospital to release you. The lock up period is usually 6 or 12 months after your assignment is over. I'll bet this is a hospital written master contract as release after just one assignment is unusual.

One easy way to picture what happened here is that you engaged an employment agency to find you a job. Once they did that, you decided to cut them out. The hospital could still hire you direct right now but they would have to pay a finders fee to the agency. The usual starting place for the fee is 25% of the first year's salary. Cheaper and better in this case for everyone to just do the assignment.

Good luck!

Yes, you are completely right! I will definitely can your advice! Now, I think I was trying so hard to do something for my family that my judgement jaded the bugger picture. Thank you

Nope! Glad it worked out for you. I traveled to HI and applied for a perm position but never heard anything back. It was the best experience I've had in my career! As long as you didn't sign a contract, you are free to take whatever job you want. Even if you did sign it, the consequences aren't as bad as you think. (:

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