Transitions EC exam?


Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

Just curious for those who took this exam how you felt about it? I took the practice exam A and got a 61% on it, this was before i even opened a book, so i decided to just get this one over and done with, in the span of a week. I'm a good reader and comprehend/remember things pretty much after i read them. Did you feel like the practice exam was easier or harder than the actual exam or about the same? I'm not asking anyone to tell me whats on it, i have the content guide and i also bought SG101 notes plus two used textbooks. What did you use to study for the exam? I'll be starting this one on wed Aug 25 and planned on taking the exam the following week. Then in Sept working on Chronicity so i've got to keep moving! A&P put me REALLY behind and i'm just now going to take that exam next week so i'm trying to crunch as much together as humanly possible! =)

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

It was dry, dry, dry. LOL. I thought the practice exams were about the same speed as the real thing. Then again, I took this in 2007, so take my "memory" with a grain of salt. :D I remember it being very heavy on the "role of the ADN" aspect, which probably hasn't changed as far as percentage by subject area according to the study guide.

Specializes in Med/Surg Nurse, Homecare, Visiting Nurse.

This exam was so dull, I had a hard time studying for it. I used SG101 and the practice exam and passed in an hour.

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

cool beans, then i still think i will be fine to get this done in about 5 days of studying, and considering those 5 days i can put in like 3-5hrs of study time i should get through that material fast.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Surgical Post-Trauma, Peds.

I am about to start studying for this as well.. Does anyone know if there are any audio books or where to get them for this exam?

I'm scheduled to take this on 9/10. I have the SG101 and ordered the texts but man is it boring. Totally fell asleep reading the 101 notes and I expect the text to be even more exciting!!

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

hahahahaha...yeah very exciting i'm sure girl! I think that offers audio/visual on all nursing exams for $97 per month. I just figure i'd do better reading and making some note cards!

I am also been studying for transitions...boring.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetery, gerentology.

I took it a month ago and yes the study material is boring. I took the practice exams which I think helped me when it came time for the real exam. Study the people, wars, laws, acts.

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