Transferrable credits?


Ok I'm a little confused. I want to eventually get my RN. However, I'm not experienced in the medical field and I would like to start with my LPN. I looked into a county vocational school for LPN and I really like it an it got me very excited. But...if I want to do a bridge program to get my RN after this LPN program, will my credits transfer? After what I've been reading on this site, it sounds like only community colleges will transfer credits for a bridge program.

Does anyone know for sure if this is true? I figure a school like Lincoln Tech or another technical school that's "for profit" probably wouldn't transfer. That's why I looked into a county vocational school

I don't want to be stuck in the future. I want to be able to bridge into an RN course. I anyone knows anything about this, I would appreciate it so much! Thank you :)

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Usually the credits do not transfer. a school that has a bridge program for lpns will give you credit for having the license and experience (some don't require the experience).

Ok so basically if I go to the vocational school, when I go for my RN, I will have to start from the beginning?

Thanks for your help!

If you plan to transfer to a community college, you most likely would enter in the second year, and do one year a school for your RN instead of the 2 years for non-lpns.

Generally, "like" schools will transfer credits to "like" schools. Community colleges provide transferable credits to universities. In general, proprietary schools do not provide transferable credits, unless to a "sister" school. You will need to contact the programs that interest you, to find out the specific requirements, but you can expect that your LPN schooling at a vocational school will not provide transferable credit to a community college for an ASN or to a university for a BSN. You will get credit for being licensed, but won't get individual course credit. In general.

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.
If you plan to transfer to a community college, you most likely would enter in the second year, and do one year a school for your RN instead of the 2 years for non-lpns.
Yes, most schools let you skip the first semester or year,but all the schools that I know of still will require you to take the prereqs at a regionally accredited school.

Thanks for all of your input! Im going to stick to the vocational route. I feel comfortable with the instructors and the schools reputation. If I have to take a few extra classes or retake some I already did well in, oh well. Better to know the subject than not! Thanks again!

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