Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

U.S.A. West Virginia


Not sure if any of you caught the Ghost Hunters episode but one of our old West Virginia hospitals was on it about 2 weeks ago. My wife also booked tickets to go there in June for a ghost watch or something like that. I didnt realize that was Weston. The new owners changed the name back to the one of the original names (Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum has a better cash ring to it than Weston Hospital apparently).

Some state mental health advocates are upset over the change. Sometimes though I think there is a trend by many to buck "political correctness." I personally think it is an important part of history and we shouldnt erase it. It was an asylum and while it may be painful to remember, learning the past helps avoid mistakes that we have made. However I have also heard they are or have put a bike track on the property and named it "psycho path" (not sure if this is accurate) which I think is very destructive and disrespectful. I do feel strongly this name should be removed.

But back to the hospital itself. I think it is a great example for our state (and even the entire nation) in the history of medicine and mental health. It does demonstrate that mental illness is not a new phenomenon. But more importantly it allows us to look back on a dark period of our profession in which patients were in essence tortured by the medical community. But at the same time, (I am a firm believer that if you are going to criticize then you should also provide solutions) what other choices did they have? Avoid institutions because it infringes on their rights but allow them to be homeless in horrid conditions (like we do today?)

It just fascinates me because there are lessons to be learned that we need to practice today. We always need to realize that in 100 years, we will be considered "primitive" in our knowledge and understanding of medicine and to ensure that we are not doing anything equally as barbaric today.

What are your thoughts on it? I have heard some people want to tear it down while others want to keep it apart of our history. I am really excited to learn more about it, seeing ghosts not so much.

Specializes in Psych.

I work at the new hospital that took the place of the afore mentioned asylum in Weston. I drive by it every day. I thought the program was fake. I work with a lot of people who used to work at the old hospital and they were not thrilled by the ghosthunters. :twocents:

Specializes in Telemetry, Case Management.

I saw the GhostHunters show with it on there. I was very intrigued by it. Here in my neck of the woods there is a very old TB sanitarium (estimated deaths there >> over 66 thousand!!!) that Ghost Hunters has been to more than once. You think of that many people dying in one area, and those people were so miserable (with TB or mental illness), if one believes in this sort of stuff, and I kinda do, well, it doesn't seem irrational to think maybe they're still hanging around trying to get things settled???:mad:

Specializes in Staff nurse.

For an interesting read, check out "My Lobotomy" by Howard Dully, he was 12 when he was lobotomized by Dr. Freeman. Amazing story of how he was institutionalized. Check it out!

Did not see the program. I worked with an older nurse who was from the area, she said all things considered, the place was not the worst there was in those days for caring for people with mental problems. Living close to Beckley, I have heard stories about the old Pinecrest Hospital. In fact, my husband had a relative that spend almost a year there in the 30's. She always swore she did not have TB but once she go into the system she could not get out until they let her out.

Hey psalm,

There are certainly days I could use a lobotomy. No, just kidding, but since I am a avid reader, I will look for the book. Have a great day.

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