Toxicity worries

Specialties School


So, just this week I have had students swallowing a battery, slime, eating bingo blotter paint, and a good size piece of pencil lead. I have called poison control and all seems okay at the moment. What are items in school that are the most toxic to kids? How do you handle kids that put things in their mouth ALL THE TIME?

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.
WOW! Crazy what kids will do!! Not toxic, but did some damage to the kid. Around Halloween had a 7th grader "snort" a packet of Fun Dip. Arrived in my office holding his head complaining of a terrible headache. While I was assessing him I noticed a very fruity odor. He finally admitted to what he had done. Natural Consequence here in play. I told him I would be calling home ( I dont want the kid to get a sinus infection or aspirated any of the powder) He said, " For the love of God, dont call my Mom, she will be so mad!!!" Do you think????

If I had my way, Flamin Hot Cheetos would be on the toxic list. The stomach aches and puke I see from those things are NASTY!!!!

I would honestly call his mom, while giving him my biggest Sh**-eating smile ever, while telling him, you reap what you sow, now suffer the consequences! He can get a SI or something worse.

Back in my day (the early 90s) this PSA did all the education we needed:

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