Published Aug 29, 2010
3 Posts
hey guys how is it going. i have question. my gf is nurse in the philippines and she's planning to visit me here in new york she had already a tourist visa since last year. is the immigration will allow my gf to stay here i min for a vacation?
320 Posts
Maybe you need to address that question to the US State Department:
294 Posts
Are you asking if she can stay in the US permanenetly? If she has a tourist visa then she can tour the US? I am not sure I am understanding your question??
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
Are you asking if your gf can work in the US, stay in the US??
If she is a nurse and is asking this question from that direction, the International Nursing forum might be a better place to post or I can move this thread. Just let me know.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the International forum
Regardless it all depends on the officer at the POE and what she tells him. It would probably help her case if she has proof of plans to return back to the Philippines at the end of the trip
just for a vacation. i have no idea if the immigration will allow her for a vacation here in US
As long as she shows ties and her tourist visa is still valid and she answers any questions truthfully I can see no reason for any problems however the end decision is with the officer at point of entry