Tories maternity proposal


just heard this on the news this morning

since we do not have maternity nurses in the UK

, and we have far from the number of midwifes at present,i wonder how the tories plan on having the midwifes to do this, let alone the cost.

It would be nice if health was not a political football in the UK and the meddling decreased.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

it will fail, no way can they cope now in maternity wards. Where is the money going to come from?

just want to add neither can the general nurses cope only I feel we are the scrap goat

it would be nice not to be presented as dirty lazy and uncaring by the media, and sometimes i feel the DoH.

Specializes in med/surg.

Oh look!!! I just saw a pig fly past my window!!!!

WHAT PLANET is he on???!!! Just goes to show how ridiculously out of touch these politicians are!!!!!!


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