topics about fundamental in nursing


i am called by a nursing school for an observation class on fundamentals of nursing... i thought of giving lecture on nursing process but its long and may be boring so i m thinking about other option and also this is my first teaching so i wana choose short and easy so tht i wont be much worried please help me with the topic selection .......

how about nursing care for surgical patient focusing preoperative care......

plzzzzzzzzzz do help me...........

As a student I would say give me credit for being able to read. What I want from an instructor is their real world experiences, their successes, their failures and then use that information to tie the material together.

Watching and listening to a person read powerpoint slides to me does not cut it. So that is my suggestion :) Also class participation, role playing, games. Maybe a simulated version of Jeapordy but witth nursing creative.

thank you for your suggestion.. i will take that in consideration

do you think preoperative care do well from fundamental of nursing topic or u prefer some other..............

Pre-op is kind of boring. What about post-op with all the complications.

ok but i got specific time so talking directly about post wont sound something missing and if start discussing about pre and intra at the begining may b i will run out of time............

It depends on what the student already have had. We didn't get pre, intra and post in one lecture. I would find out where they are in their curriculum.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

If this is fundamentals of nursing, both pre- and post-op are too advanced. Fundamentals cover a lot of topics. Think back to when you were a new beginner. What did you want to know?

Specializes in CNA.

Talk about what you do on a daily basis in your particular field. Or does it have to be something specific to what they are studying at that time? if pre-op/post-op is what you know/do then go for it, but as a student PLEASE make it interesting by using your personal experiences. It gets so boring hearing the same things from the book, just spoken by someone instead of reading it. I love guest lecturers IF they have something personal -experience-like to share, if its just another lecture it feels like a waste of time IMO. I can read, and am already used to my instructors way of lecturing, having someone else lecture over the stuff I just read makes for a long day. Make it like "Here is how what you just read about is applied in the REAL world". Good Luck, and Im sure you will do great!

I just had a great lecture on technology as it relates to the nursing field. Here is a great supplemental article that was used;

I would want to hear your experience and your achievements and how you met all your goals. In addition, I would also like to hear the challenges of working as a nurse and how to deal difficult times. I would also want to know how different is the real nursing world vs the nursing world when you are in school. Last but not the least, I would want to hear any advice that you think can help me in the future and that I can carry on with me throughout my nursing career. =)

Specializes in Critical Care.

Fundamentals was more about nursing history, nursing process, how to do a care plan and use nursing Dx, and the hands on skills of injections, foley's, enemas, how to put on sterile gloves, that kind of thing. Ask what they're studying and what has and has not been covered. That why you don't talk about something too advanced, and don't cover something they've already done.

Fundamentals was more about nursing history, nursing process, how to do a care plan and use nursing Dx, and the hands on skills of injections, foley's, enemas, how to put on sterile gloves, that kind of thing. Ask what they're studying and what has and has not been covered. That why you don't talk about something too advanced, and don't cover something they've already done.

Missed that.

Hmm, yeah, you might want to talk about something that they haven't discussed. A lot of places use already made care plans now..but it would help them develop their care plan writing skill! :D

What about rare Dx? As a nursing student, I had certain topics that wasn't discussed in school at all nor did I see it in the Basic Nursing and Fundamentals of Nursing book like dextrocardia, situs inversus, insulinoma, etc. When I encountered these topics while working in ER, I was amazed.

This is going to be a challenge for you. I can't think of fundamentals stuff.

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