Took PN Boards Today and Now I'm Freaking Out!


Hey everyone, I took my PN boards this am for the 6th time. I had a lot of prioritzing questions and quite a few med questions. I tried my hardest but while I was taking the test I would get some repeat questions and I know that means its not good, I walked out feeling like "here we go again, I just know I am going to have to take this test again". I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant and just so emotional because I want this to be the last time I ever have to look at this test again. If I was unsure on certain questions I tried my hardest to answer them to the best of my ability, I had three math questions and I think I bombed those, but I have heard of people bombing the math and still passing. I don't know how many questions I got because I clicked the timer and number of questions off so I wouldn't be fixated in looking at that, in the past when I have taken the test I have always gotten 85 and I failed everytime. I've been praying to God that he helps me through this and that I passed. I also tried the "pearson trick" and I never got a screen saying that I am "already registered for the exam" it just went to the credit card screen and reading some of the other blogs on here that means it's not good and you FAILED? So now I am freaking out and I don't know what to do, I guess I am just going to wait the two days and find out the true results through quick results. Can anyone give me any advice on what I should do, or something I've cried so much my eyes are just beat red.

Whether you passed or failed, you should relax. Getting yourself emotionally worked up is not good for the baby and you are aware of that. What good is it to get upset at this point? You know that if you keep on trying you will pass, so stop beating yourself up and find some way to relax and enjoy your baby on the way. You will get this, if not today, then tomorrow or the next day.

Do you think I failed though since I didn't get the good pop up?

I took the test today for the NCLEX-PN at 12:30 and was finished by 1:30, it kicked me off after 85 questions. I had a bunch of SATA, that were interlaced with alot of Math and also Priority. Is alot of math bad? I am guessing it is, but I did do the PVT and got the good pop up, but I just don't want to put alot of faith in that trick and here I am wide awake with only 3 hours of sleep the night before. I am hoping things get better in the next 48 hours.:confused:

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