Took NCLEX today....


:uhoh3: It cut off at 79 I hope to "GOD" that I did it!!!

6 SATA, A lot of Priority.......... and some infection control...... and some random stuff

I don't know if I passed... but I am super hopeful!!!!

I took mine today toooo! Good's scary waiting for results, huh? I don't know what to think!!

I am crossing my fingers for you...Today I took 110 questions...all over the place. I feel like crap. Just not fair waiting. Doesn't make sense...other than they think we will go back to the place and go crazy when we fail? So, I am going crazy at home...My poor family...

i failed pn exam last month for the first time. I need advise before i go back.what do i read ?

I had D.I.C., Cardiac Cath, lady partsl discharge, hospice care, home health, adult assessment, and a lot of priority, 2 therapeutic communication, and titration..... Hope this helps....

I am crossing my fingers for you...Today I took 110 questions...all over the place. I feel like crap. Just not fair waiting. Doesn't make sense...other than they think we will go back to the place and go crazy when we fail? So, I am going crazy at home...My poor family...

You will do great!!! I did the pearson trick.... It didn't let me pay... hope thats a good sign:uhoh3:

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