Took the NCLEX Today for the 1st time - got the "good" Pearson pop-up afterwards?!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Good evening, everyone!

Long time lurker, first time poster on the forums. Decided it'd be a great time to post after taking my NCLEX today (& having no where to talk about it on end, eek!)

So, yeah. I took the NCLEX Today ... 1st try.

I was nervous leading up to it - pacing around my house, tearing up in the car on the way there, yikes! Anxiety was in overdrive - but as soon as I started the questions I knew it was go time. I took a deep breath, paced myself, and carefully read through EACH AND EVERY SINGLE question. I pressed next & I was FLOORED when the test had shut off at 76 questions for me.

I don't know how to feel about the test. If I could describe it in one word, it was: vague. I was fully prepared to go for 100 ... 130 ... 200 questions - so stopping at 76 was an anxiety-inducing, yet pleasant, shock to me. Answering the questions: I felt confident in my answers - but when the test shut off I was in a state of limbo. Did I read everything correctly? Was I right to add/subtract one of my answers from those dreaded SATA? I don't know!!

Aside my panic: I gave it 2 hours - and then I tried the Pearson trick. I got the "good" pop-up (the "Records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam ..." one) all 3 times I tried. It made my heart swell, but not I'm completely convinced yet. I'm still going to wait for the quick results to come on Friday.

Thank you if you read my nervous rambling! & to everyone that's yet to take it / retake it - I BELIEVE IN YOU! Just gotta stop scrambling for two seconds & just hunker down & focus.

I hope to post my experience / study habits / resources I used once I get my results & see I passed! I really hope I did as well as I think I did!

Congratulations! What resources did you use to prepare?

I took mine on the 29th been checking since and got good pop up, still a nervous wreck but hopeful. I used uworl and NRSNG

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