Took the NCLEX today!! Oh my gosh!


Whew! It's over!!!!!!! I can't believe this day had finally come. I'm a little calmer than I think I should be. I have been on this website long enough to know that everyone feels like they failed after the exam. I'm trying to not feel that way. I'm trying.......

My heart was racing big time before the exam. I tortured myself by arriving 2 hrs early, sat in a coffee shop until 45 mins before my scheduled time and then went to the testing center. They took me early. I was surprised. Yes, all that stuff they do prior does make you feel more anxious. Thankfully I have this Bach Flower Remedies to help with the anxiety (it does work).

Anway, once the exam started, my heart started pounding. Before I knew it I was up to question 40. When question 73 came around, I started getting nervous again. I was anxious to see if it would cut off at 75............After answering question 75, it paused for a minute and then BAM turned off!!! I didn't know what the think. Part of me was excited it shut off at 75 and the other part was like....uh oh! I hope that was a good sign.

This is the part that concerns me I got NO, I mean NOT ONE Select all that apply!!! I got on fill in the blank!!!!!!! That part makes me very nervous.

Anyone ever get no select all that apply and pass? Just humor okay?

Specializes in ER then CVICU now.

I'm sure you passed! Like you, I had one fill in the blank math question and no check all that apply, and yes I passed. made it through :) !!

I actually felt pretty calm afterwards too. It shut off for you at 75 and you know that you were well hopefully you can relax some. I'm sure you did great! Now isn't nice to know you don't have to study tonight?! Hopefully you'll post the good news in a couple of days (if you can check thru Pearson) !!

Thanks MrsMinor~ I think I feel okay because I found out my friend passed today. She was soooo upset this weekend. It was hard to console her.

I'm second guessing myself now. :o

I just know that you passed!!! I just know it!!!

Actually, I read it in another thread. :D Good job and it was a great sign that it shut off after 75!

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