Published Nov 10, 2010
5 Posts
This my third time attempting to take RN boards. I am feeling super discouraged because I tried the pearson trick and it went straight to cc option :-( I am not putting all my hope in that, but would be nice to hear some positive feedback. I answered 75 questions and about flipped out when it shut off. The first time I took it, I answerd all the questions, the second time it was 100 something, so this time I was not expecting it to shut off at 75. I honestly feel like I did pretty good, but if this pearson trick holds true, I must not have. Just need some advice for next time! Thanks!!
38,333 Posts
Good luck with your official results.
Thanks! :)
45 Posts
I am here to tell you that I know 100% from experience (taking it also 3 times and failing and using the trick every time as it went to CC) that if it does in fact go to CC than you did fail. I am sorry and understand what you are going through.
I can tell you this... I graduated RN school May 2009. I studied for my test (half and took the test for the first time. I failed (at 75Q's), so I attempted again (using Kaplan books, Saunders, NCLEX made easy, etc) and failed the 2nd time (at 172Q's). After that I moved, got a job bartending to pay bills and took the test for the 3rd time this Sept and failed again (at 75Q's).???
Looking back on my experience and honestly evaluating myself I realize that in all of my attempts to pass I never really put 100% into studying or dedicating the time that I should have. 2 months ago a good friend of mine from nursing school confronted me about failing and told me that HURST was what made her pass the 3rd time around. I had heard of the program but it was 300$ and considering I had already spent close to 2,000$ at this point with re-registering, books, study guides, I was not to thrilled but I finally decided to invest the money and do it.
It has been 1.5 months since I failed the 3rd time and 1 month since signing up for HURST. I have to admit, after doing so many programs and books, this course is exactly what I needed and so worth the 300$!
The online course is made up of 27 lecture videos lasting any where from 35-70 min's long. The videos cover every body system as well as tests and tips geared towards passing the NCLEX. There is also a 275 page PDF file full of lecture notes from each of the lecture videos that you can print out and follow along too. I got it printed out (front to back) and bound at a local Kinko's for less than 35$ and it is a wonderful tool! I don't know how you learn or retain information, but I am definitely a visual learner and the best part is that you have 3 months access so you can watch the videos over and over along with the lecture notes until it becomes second nature to you. I am also using note cards that I have made along with the Saunders CD just to hit every angle so that the 4th time can be the last time!
My life, my career, my relationships, everything has been put on hold because of this situation in my life. I strongly recommend you spend the money on HURST especially because you have also been out of school for so long and I'm sure could use the refresher as I do too.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your journey and if you have any questions than please don't hesitate to contact me.
J :)
Thanks for the advice. Just found out I didn't pass, but oh well, there is always next time. I am thinking of investing into HURST because I have heard good things about it. I think what I do need is a refresher because me sitting down, reading a book by myself is not working. I need something more to help me out. So I will look into HURST and hopefully come back on here with some good news :-) Thanks again! I am glad to know I am not the only one out there who is struggling with this!
3 Posts
I to just found out today that I didn't pass my exam for the third time. I am so ****** off right now. I did the kaplan review and answered all the questions. I did the question every time again after failing. I felt really good about taking it the third time. I am stuck and we don't have the extra money to spend on any more classes. One of my class mates is going to give me the name of the book she used that really helped her out alot. She passed the first time. I know I need to go a different route because obviously kaplan isn't doing it. Best of luck to you and hang in there, we will get it.