Took my Nclex-PN today


:confused:It was ridiculous and i was really hoping for it to shut off @ the 85 mark. I felt prepared going into it but then after some question i was :eek: I had around 15 med about 5 SATA good amount of diet (which i still have trouble with for w/e reason) and then diseases and what you would look at all before the 85 question point (all those numbers got bigger as i continued). I felt sick after the exam, but more then half the people in my class felt the same way and ended up passing. Im just hoping it will be the same for me, but im feeling it may not be. I used Kaplan book, Lippincott review cards (friend gave me them after their test n said study them n they will help, but not 1 was on the test or anything like it the cards were way too easy compared to the test), Mosby CD and exam cram cd a friend let me use. I feel like maybe I was using the wrong material to study cause it seem like NONE of the stuff i listed could have prepared me for the test i just took. There was probably 4-5 question that i actually recognized from the stuff i used or was close to the question in the stuff i used. Any advise on what materials to maybe use if there is a next time (hope not, *fingers crossed*)? Sorry for the probably hard to read,

Did u try the pvt trick?

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