took my nclex 2 days ago


i took my nclex 2 days ago and still nothing on the website or my BON website....I totally think i soon are they suppose to have the scores on there? its been 2 days....Does the time that you take the test have anything to do with when your grade will be in?

Im freaking out!!!

Hi! I took my test the 11th of February and had those results from the vue website on the afternoon of the 13th. I am so glad that they offer those unofficial results, it's $8 very well spent. I only took 85 questions and I thought I failed but I didn't. I had a very difficult test that required quite a bit of reading and re-reading, I thought for sure that I failed. I know how you're feeling but just hang in there and keep checking that website! :)


i took my nclex 2 days ago and still nothing on the website or my BON website....I totally think i soon are they suppose to have the scores on there? its been 2 days....Does the time that you take the test have anything to do with when your grade will be in?

Im freaking out!!!

Even though it has not been 48 hours, I am freaking out. I know of two different people who took the boards the same day as me. One was taking her test when I arrived, and was still taking the test when I was leaving? The other person arrived after I did. I was able to look up both of their names today and THEY PASSED! So I can't help but to think, did I fail? IS that why my name was not up there yet? I can't wait to see my results, I am driving myself nuts. :coollook:

:sniff: I'm totally freaked out about mine as well!!.. no results posted yet and I'm already thinking that I failed.. :bluecry1:

i'm with you MPNurse.. i got the same set of questions that you have.. a lot of SLE, priorities, who's getting DC'd and what not.. i'm so nervous.. I'm at work right now sorry for the late response..

I'm so so so so worried!!.. I need some positive thoughts to get me through this :crying2:

well just got my results, i not surprised though, i kinda of knew.....i guess im off to my 2nd not giving up?

Does anyone know if the 45 day rule applies to everyone or just some states?

awww man mpnurse.......Im sorry. You have the right spirt, though. Stay strong!


Im on your side of the fence because i failed it the first time. I had all 265 questions the first time. The good news is that it means you probably were pretty close to passing. You probably have the nursing knowledge but need more problem solving/critical thinking skills. I suggest you take kaplan review course. It is 400 dollars (not cheap) but definitely worth it. They have the class online or you can take it at the center. If there is anything i can do for you let me know. I would be more than happy to help you with advice. Love, MS:)

hello MPnurse,

I am with you, I took the test and got all of the questions. I am taking the Kaplan course online. If I would have known how great this course was, I would have never sat for the NCLEX, until finishing this course. I am still waiting for my authorization to test. I hope that it comes soon, so that I can close this chapeter of my life. Don't give up-you will pass this time. Good luck to you.


I am so sorry you failed. It is really an awful experience. But you're not alone in this, several of us here have failed, you're hearing from one of 'em.

You do have the right attitude and I can tell you will pass the NCLEX with flying colors when you can sit for it again. Just keep that attitude, it really means everything!

What I wanted to say to you is allow yourself this time before you take it again to really soul-search and mourn the loss. Incredible emotions come from failure but it is exactly these emotions that you can use to help you pass. Allow yourself to feel crappy and then each day, find something new to be positive about. It sounds corny but it teaches you so much about yourself and what kind of nurse you will be! And you will be a nurse MPNurse!

God Bless,

JacelRN :p

The Pearson Vue center where I took my test has 8 seats for the NCLEX. I was the last one in and the first to leave and I passed. Pearson Vue told me the results should be available after 48 hours. I started my test at 9 a.m and finished at 10 a.m. and my results weren't available until 4 p.m. two days later so it was a little more than 48 hours. I was really cranky for those two days too, I was a nervous wreck. I tried to keep busy and keep my mind off of it but that's easier said than done. Just try to relax and think positive.:)

Even though it has not been 48 hours, I am freaking out. I know of two different people who took the boards the same day as me. One was taking her test when I arrived, and was still taking the test when I was leaving? The other person arrived after I did. I was able to look up both of their names today and THEY PASSED! So I can't help but to think, did I fail? IS that why my name was not up there yet? I can't wait to see my results, I am driving myself nuts. :coollook:

It varies by state. Illinois still has a 90 day waiting period but I was told that they're considering changing it to 45 days so people can test more often or something. I'm sorry to hear that you failed, you'll get it this next time!

well just got my results, i not surprised though, i kinda of knew.....i guess im off to my 2nd not giving up?

Does anyone know if the 45 day rule applies to everyone or just some states?

Well, most likely you failed because they know it when you submit your last answer. So if it isn't up in 2 days, well you had better start studying for the nclex again and get your money together so you can pay them AGAIN for a test you should have passed. See why I hate nclex! For that amount of money you should be able to pass if you get any 60 questions correctly and not the last 60 questions to be scored.

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