took the nclex in cali last monday...still waiting


i just took nclex last monday and it stopped at 110 or 111, not sure. i can't wait for the result. california doesn't participate in quick results. already checked the bon website yesterday and today and didn't see my name :sniff: i wasn't sure if the questions were easy or hard, i got some meds, mostly prioritizing, teaching, and some select all that apply. didn't get any calculation questions or alternative type questions, does that mean something? i hope i can find out soon...that i passed....

Specializes in L&D.

Don't feel too bad--I took the exam January 10th and I have no results yet!!! My school is slow getting our transcripts to the BRN....

I didn't get any calculation type questions either. Hang in there, soon you'll know your results. Good luck :)

Specializes in Neuro Surgery,telemetry.

CA BON usually sends the results within 10-30 days. i received mine at exactly 14th day after the test. best of luck to yah...

Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

wishing you the very best

thanks for all your support! i found out yesterday morning that I PASSED!!!:roll i'm so happy! i made it!!! it was worth all the wait and anxiety! it took 3 days for the result, i saw my name at the CA BON. thanks again everyone and wishing you all good luck! :D

Specializes in Neuro Surgery,telemetry.


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