Published Mar 29, 2014
alexis_brickcity, BSN, RN
105 Posts
I thought I would make this post because before I took my HESI I read A LOT (& I mean A LOT) of posts on here about other people's experiences, so I thought I would help somebody out with mine. one thing that I continuously read in everybody's posts that I 100% agree with was that the HESI is not an in-depth test! It's an overall test just to see if you're ready to go into the nursing field. What I I've learned that I can share with you is to not get stuck on trying to learn the details because that's where you are definitely going to go wrong on this test!
Sidebar: I started writing this yesterday night but my brain was soo exhausted from the HESI & studying & everything that had anything to do with it that I fell asleep in the middle of making a title!
Anywho back to the nitty gritty , the nursing program that I applied to recommended that I study from the HESI Admission Assessment by Elveisor 2nd or 3rd edition , so I rented it, which may or may not been cheaper than actually buying the book , I'm not sure how much it costs. I highly recommend using other aides & study guides , do not stick to just the book ! I used four different websites , a lot of notes I had from previous classes , somebody suggested this channel on YouTube , etc etc.
Gosh , I hope I'm not rambling. . .
In my opinion , this book isn't really all that helpful , there's another book that I found out about the day before the test which a lot of people said was completely identical to the HESI ! This book isn't .
Because I don't want to make this post super long I'll get to the test and if you guys have any other questions feel free to leave a comment & I'll answer it!
My school required that I take every section EXCEPT Chemistry. You're able to choose which section you want to start with first , I started with the science sections first. I'll break down every section for you:
A&P: I took the science sections first because I knew those would be the hardest & I studied for those the most & they were fresh on my brain. I recommend having taken at least one A&P course within some point of your life before taking this. Luckily I had taken A&P so I was okay with this section definitely not great. Ill say about 10 things that I studied from the book was actually on the test. You definitely need to know the systems of the body & what are their functions. AGAIN , you don't need to get worked up over trying to learn the details , this is where you will go wrong! This is not an in-depth test! For example, learn what the digestive system does (which is pretty common sense), have a pretty good idea what organs are in this system but do not concern yourself with learning the whole process of how food goes in & what happens each step of the way! They will ask out of the park questions like "if a patient comes in & has broken his [insert some weird bone name here] which part of the body is the break in?". They'll ask easy questions like "where is the zygomatic bone located?"
Good thing about science is that if you have a broad understanding you can use your common sense to figure out the answers! Most of the bones/veins/arteries/muscles etc have the answer in their names .
Biology - this book is a little more helpful in the biology section because the test asks a lot about the basics. Every section in this book had at least one question on the test. I can't stretch this enough , AGAIN , you don't need to get worked up over trying to learn the details , this is where you will go wrong! This is not an in-depth test! I'm telling you , you'll thank me later. Yes , you should know the differences between binary fission, mitosis, & meiosis. Yes, you should know what Mitochondria & Chloroplasts are/do. Yes, you should know the stages of Cellular Respiration. But please don't concern yourself with learning all the layers of the dermis & what order they're layered in but have an idea of their names so you'll know them when you see them.
Math - Simple , Simple , SIMPLE . Watch out because there are a LOT of conversions on the test. So know the conversion table(volume). There are a lot of ratios & fractions also but they are super easy. Also, I had a lot of word problems but they were easy too! Example , "Barbara went to the store. She spent $48.79 at one store, $25.34 at another store, & $15.98 at the last store. She only had $100.00 , how much change did she have when she went home?"
Grammar - Simple stuff , don't even need to study for this!
Reading Comprehension - they ask simple questions , no need to study for this either! The passages are super short too.
Vocabulary and General Knowledge - simple stuff people , nothing but simple stuff. They asked me probably 10 words that were Medical Terminology but they weren't hard words. The rest were simple .
So there you go , I hope I helped . If you have any questions , feel free to ask & I'll answer them! Thanks for reading!
1,026 Posts
Good for you. You must have been an effective student before.
2 Posts
I am preparing the the exam and also have the Admission Assessment book. Thank you for your post! Without ever taking the test it makes it hard to know how to study for it but you def helped! Congrats!
25 Posts
You mentioned a book you found out about the day before your test that you could have studied. Which book is that?
1 Post
I too would like to know what book?
55 Posts
I'm a ESL, and I need to have high score in order to get in program that I want. Any more suggestion in reading,pls.
56 Posts
Wow I must say I feel way better about this test!!
99 Posts
Thank you! I starting to study for this exam this month.
Code Red
45 Posts
Thank you! I take my test Wednesday wish me luck im sooo nervous GEESH
It's called Evolve , sorry that I'm so late that I probably won't make a difference
Study hard and qood luck !
Good luck , how did you do ?