Published Aug 6, 2005
[email protected]
1 Post
took my boards
I took my boards today and had 140 questions does anyone know if this is bad or good. I know that i missed my last questions does that matter at all. Please reply thanks
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
took my boardsi took my boards today and had 140 questions does anyone know if this is bad or good. i know that i missed my last questions does that matter at all. please reply thanks
i took my boards today and had 140 questions does anyone know if this is bad or good. i know that i missed my last questions does that matter at all. please reply thanks
:balloons: good luck!!! :balloons:
i think the test questions and the amount varies. try not to worry. i am sure you did fine.
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
317 Posts
My friend took the exam today and got 86 another friend got 140's. It's really hard to tell. She doesn't feel good and I've been trying to assure her that she did all that she could do. You have to know you did all that you could do to prepare for this test. Go out and try enjoy yourself! There is nothing you can do now.
Good luck!
74 Posts
Best wishes to you :) !!