Too shy and quiet to be a nurse

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Lately I have just been down in the dumps, feeling terrible about myself because of how quiet, shy, and introverted I am. I recently started volunteering at a hospital and did my best to hide how shy I really was, but didn't hide it well enough and got assigned to admitting, where I don't do much but sit in a chair my whole shift. They said they needed someone more social to be in the places where you could interact with patients.

In addition to this, I'm taking an oral communication class this semester. We had our first speech yesterday, and it was really rough for me. I spent hours preparing my speech and forgot to eat all day because of how much anxiety I got thinking about how I was going to give it. I even cried a little and was considering on ditching class.

I hate how I am like this. I know that good nurses are very interactive with their patients, and I'm starting to think that I'm not cut out for nursing. I wish I was more social, but every time someone points out how shy I am, it just makes me not want to talk even more and feel sorry for myself. I wish I could change and need advise on how I can be less shy.


Hey Apple-Core! Thanks a bunch for the response, and I will definitely use that approach!

Specializes in NICU.

Some nurses are chatty and awful nurses, and some are quiet, and great nurses,the chatty ones get most of the praise from patients because they equate mindless chatter with competent nursing care.

You can work an area like the OR ,your patients are asleep,or recovery room they are half asleep.Stay away from the rest.

Specializes in NICU.

Wow ,she must have been a really nice instructor,our used to hit us,punch us in the arm and scare us and scarred us.

Specializes in ER.

I used to be shy and extremely awkward. Oh goodness the things I have said and done in my moments awkward shyness. This was in my 20's and even early 30's.

Somewhere along the way, I noticed that the people who want something simply want it. Being shy or not shy is like a state of mind for them and I learned a lot from that realization. Someone may look at me funny once, twice, even three times if I goof up but then I will learn and that will be it. I have been the "only" in many situations: only female staff member, only South Asian, etc. etc. etc.

If you want this, its yours. Literally, no one can stop you. And always remember: everyone started out where you are.

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