To Teas or not to Teas


I have a 3.5 gpa and didn't score as many points as I wanted to the first time I took the Teas. I have since read postings for my school and I have more points than others who got into the program last year this time. I am wondering if I really should take my Teas over again to try and get more points? I have a new job and I would have to take off that day without pay. I'm wondering if its work taking over. I would appreciate hearing what other people think?

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.

I think it depends on a couple of things really.

What was your score and what criteria does your school use to determine who is let in?

My school has changed their acceptance this year so that anyone with a 3.5-4.0 in a pre-req course gets the exact same "points". However, this is the only school in the area that does this. On the same token since I know more people will "qualify" for the 3.5+ GPA (since last year the overall GPA accepted was 3.93), and one of the tie breakers is the TEAS score. So TEAS score is pretty important at my school to make it in, but again not all schools follow this guideline.

Specializes in PCT, RN.

I agree with krrbrr.

It depends on all the requirements. For my school, acceptance is largely based on the TEAS score so the higher the better.

It's a points based system. I have all As in my classes. They give points for the teas based on your score. I have a pretty ok scote, but I don't think it will hurt to get a batter score.

Specializes in ICU.

If it's a decent score then why waste your time and money? Not me.

Heather I was thinking about getting more points. I want to feel more secure when I submit my application.

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.
Heather I was thinking about getting more points. I want to feel more secure when I submit my application.

I hear you! I need to have my TEAS scores submitted by June 30th. Since I know the TEAS will be heavily weighted in my application I plan on taking my first attempt by May 15th and if needed a second by June 15th.

I am determined to give myself every chance I can to make it in, so I'm going for it! If for whatever reason I don't make it into one of three programs, I will have to wait 6-9 months to apply for more programs (because of different pre-req's).

If you would feel more secure by retaking the test, you know you can make a higher score, and you have the money... I say, why not? Just my opinion though :)

I appreciate all the responses. It only costs $60. So that is not the issue either. I think I'm going to just retake it. It won't hurt!

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.
I appreciate all the responses. It only costs $60. So that is not the issue either. I think I'm going to just retake it. It won't hurt!

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great :)

Retake is set for April 8th. Wish me blessings, no such thing as luck really, lol!

Retake went really well. And did even better, so I'm happy I retook it. I wish I had also focused on science as well. I excelled in Math after all of that studying, lol. But I'm happy with my number of points, and mailed in my application today. Now I'm just going to stay busy and start waiting.:yes:

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