Published Feb 4, 2013
14 Posts
Hello all, and thanks for reading, I am an RN with about 1.5 yrs exp in medical stepdown unit in a large teaching hospital. I am at a crossroads in terms of where to go next. I have to say that thus far my experiences in nursing thus far has been overall a negative one. I am very grateful for my job, grateful for the skills that I have obtained, however, where I am is not where I want to be, I felt it in my gut since day one on my floor, and I think I have have given it enough time to know that this is just not for me.
Problem is, I really want to learn more, I have an interest in higher level of care, and I also have interests in public health, and working with the public mostly in a teaching aspect.
So, I may have an opportunity to work in our MICU, and it interests me, but I am also scared to death taking a leap forward.
Before working in an outpatient type setting, I'm wondering if MICU experience would be a better move to make... I do not want to leave the hospital setting without giving higher level care a shot, but I guess my concern is going to another unit, nonetheless a critical one, and failing. Any input?
58 Posts
There are new grads in ICUs. Don't be terrified. No one is going to expect you to know everything. That's why there's orientation. Take a leap if its what you want.
beckster_01, BSN, RN
500 Posts
It was the best decision I have ever made. I didn't realize how overwhelmed and undervalued I felt at my floor job until I switched to the MICU this fall. I learn something new every day, have never felt "dumb," like I didn't know something that I should have. ICU nursing is a much stronger team approach and every doctor that I have come across values nursing input. I feel like I have a fighting chance to earn some respect. I get to watch patients have significant clinical improvements over the course of my shift. Of course things don't always go well either, but at the end of the day I really feel like I made a difference, and that is why I became a nurse. So my advice? See if you can shadow the unit, and if you feel like you will fit in with the staff then go for it, because everything else that you need to know will follow.
I started in the ICCU (intermediate critical care) then moved to SICU for about 7 years. I switched to MICU about 5 years ago. I really like it. You see a lot of different cases than SICU and the patients tend to hang out in the unit longer. Unlike the floors, you can get to know what's going on with the patient and truly make a difference in the outcome. I highly recommend studying for the CCRN as soon as possible; it will really help. Go for it! You won't regret it. Try to switch gears once you get there. Slow down and pay close attention to details; it could save a life. Also, keep your alarm parameters set TIGHT! Especially when titrating drips.
missnurse01, MSN, RN
1,280 Posts
You can always try it for a year or so while you are looking into what type of function you want to do in public health. From what I have read here though, nurses I know in p. health didn't really enjoy the hosp experience at all and were always driven to p. health. good luck
shadow a p health nurse to see what the different roles are and how they got into the field
2 Posts
Just passed boards and i start my FIRST job in a MICU next week. Thank God for orientation.
113 Posts
hey troopers, how did your interview for the MICU job go? I think I might want to work ICU when I graduate. I thought it was because I wanted to be a CRNA, but after hanging out in surgery during a clinical rotation, I'm not sure that would be a good fit for me. But I still feel I want to do ICU. Get a CCRN. what types of ? did you get asked, and how did you answer. I'm worried of being asked why I want to work that unit, and not knowing what to see