

Critical Care

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About Blandini7

Blandini7 has 16 years experience and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Charge nurse pay

    I think that this is an issue that nurses should consider changing. What other profession would permit this?
  2. Charge nurse pay

    How much do you get for charge pay at the hospital in which you are employed?
  3. Quad strength Levophed not working

    That makes sense but after a period of time, shouldn't the quad work just as well as the single strength?
  4. Quad strength Levophed not working

    Thank you for responding. We considered the differences in flow and that the quad will be pushing in the normal at 1/4 the rate if it goes through the same line. This is why we initially augmented the volume by y-ing in a NS bag into the line that co...
  5. Quad strength Levophed not working

    Have any of you seen a precipitous drop in blood pressure when you switch from a normal (4mg/250ml) concentrate of Levophed to a quad strength (16mg/250ml)? I have a strong huntch that this is a half-life issue and not a volume issue. Please let me k...
  6. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    I'm new to this forum but I really like it. I'm sure we see unique situations in our small circle of practice that are shared around the world by other clinicians. The left ventricular assist device (LVAD) might be the "device" that "rakcna" was thin...
  7. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    Definitely wasn't a loose lead or monitor error. Pt had no pulse by palpation, ultrasound, or doppler. The "alternate mechanism for circulation" was chest compressions.
  8. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    Very interesting! Really wish they would touch on this in BLS/ACLS courses.
  9. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    That must have been very unsettling.
  10. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    Our pt did not survive either. This probably should be addressed in BLS courses so that responders aren't quick to cease compressions when the pt becomes responsive.
  11. Patient responsive but in cardiac arrest

    I saw something this week in a code that is truly unique and a bit disturbing. We were doing CPR on a pt that coded and he started moving his arms purposefully. We stopped chest compressions and he was asystole and without a pulse. The ED doc that wa...
  12. interview help

    A couple of qualities that I find essential to doing critical care well are: 1. High attention to details 2. Ask lots of questions (and look for answers). No matter how long you've been a nurse Good luck. It's a great area of nursing.
  13. New Grad - ICU

    I've been in critical care for 13 years. I've seen new grads make great ICU RNs if they have good support and ask LOTS of questions and are highly motivated (with attention to detail). I recommend that you start studying for the CCRN. It has lots of ...
  14. To take on the MICU or not?

    I started in the ICCU (intermediate critical care) then moved to SICU for about 7 years. I switched to MICU about 5 years ago. I really like it. You see a lot of different cases than SICU and the patients tend to hang out in the unit longer. Unlike t...