To self report DUI or not

Nurses Criminal


Hi all, 

I posted a while back about how I am a licensed nurse in Connecticut and received a DUI last year but never heard any helpful information on that post. Embarrassing as it is, it is my second one. My first one was completely dismissed and I never had to disclose it to the DPH/BON. Unfortunately that is not he case with this one and I have been convicted of a misdemeanor. My license is set to be renewed in a couple weeks and I am beyond nervous. Judge me if you want but I have a serious question... has anyone ever just not reported being arrested or  having a new conviction when completing your license renewal application and gotten away with it? How would the DPH/BON even find out about my DUI unless I told them about it? I'm sure I would be completely barred from ever having my license again if they found out I lied on my renewal, but I'm just weighting EVERY option right now. 

Specializes in MICU/PICU.
ct-RN said:

how do you know for a fact the most the board will do is reach out for a copy of the police report? 

as I've said, every conclusion a BON will make is entirely different even if you have the same story as another nurse. which is why you should contact an attorney. 

from first hand experience I can tell you that law enforcement has a duty to report any arrest which leads or doesn't lead to a conviction. 

I received an email from a board investigator that they were notified by the county police department of my arrest. so this tells me if the arresting officer catches wind of you being an RN, they will fax over the arrest report to that BON.

did the arresting officer know you're an RN? the judge? the courts?

again, I advise you to go to your home state BON website and look up reportable offenses. if you are arrested for one of these, changes are the arresting agency has already reported the arrest and resulting convictions or non-convictions to your home state BON.


I am not fear mongering, im advising you how the system operates to protect the public.


Thank you for responding with a more matter of fact situation that you experienced first hand. I have also heard from others that law enforcement and courts can/will/might report you to the state agency in which you a hold a license if they find out you hold a state license. I did not tell the judge or the arresting officer. Although, I did have to disclose my place of employment and job title to my probation officer as part of the rules and regulations of probation, so he knows I am an RN. That was disclosed to him all the way back in August of last year though and I never heard anything from the board of nursing. Maybe he chose not to report me, or it's not mandated in CT?

I'm sorry if I came off aggressive in my last post, it's just very important to me that people speak facts of what they know to be 100% true, and to me, hear say from other nurses stories, etc. leaves room for assumptions on how things operate between state agencies and other parties involved when it comes to the board finding out. Thank you for posting another response though about a first hand experience. Much appreciated and good info 

Alright so I'm in AZ and I am a CNA.  I got charged with a misdemeanor in 2020 for shoplifting.  I was NOT convicted and my case was dismissed after some fines and theft classes.  In AZ you must self-report ANY criminal charge or conviction within 10 days.  I did not.  I had to get fingerprinted for my charge, and lost my fingerprint clearance card , but I got it back quickly and easily through a Good Cause Exemption.  I had to renew my LNA license in 2021, and the dreaded question about charges and convictions came up.  I of course finally self-disclosed about my charge.  I got my license renewed the next day, June 30.  I was super happy.  But (and I just looked at the dates to verify) they sent me a letter August 5 saying I was under investigation.  In my state you are free to work while under investigation.  Since my charge was dismissed and not related to substance use, they mostly came after me for failing to disclose when it happened.  But I'm sure you'll be hearing from them eventually.  It sucks and I'm sorry you have to go through this.  Dealing with the BON is the most terrifying thing ever.  Way worse than dealing with the cops or the judge.

And I want to add, this was a FULL investigation.  I had to provide the police report, all of the paperwork from the courts, proof of my adherence to my deferred judgment terms, I had to have an extensive, embarrassing phone call with an investigator.  It was a lot to go through.  Just for them to fine me $150.

ct-RN said:

Hi all, 

I posted a while back about how I am a licensed nurse in Connecticut and received a DUI last year but never heard any helpful information on that post. Embarrassing as it is, it is my second one. My first one was completely dismissed and I never had to disclose it to the DPH/BON. Unfortunately that is not he case with this one and I have been convicted of a misdemeanor. My license is set to be renewed in a couple weeks and I am beyond nervous. Judge me if you want but I have a serious question... has anyone ever just not reported being arrested or  having a new conviction when completing your license renewal application and gotten away with it? How would the DPH/BON even find out about my DUI unless I told them about it? I'm sure I would be completely barred from ever having my license again if they found out I lied on my renewal, but I'm just weighting EVERY option right now. 


Hi, I'm going through the same issue I'm due to renew my license now, but im about to begin the process of getting my DUI expunged off my record as well. Do you have an email that I can further explain? 

Hi Ct-RN,

I am in the exact same situation you had posted about initially with a previous DUI 7 years ago that was dismissed after the alcohol education program, and a recent one that I am waiting to go to court for. Did anything ever come of you notifying the BON of your recent DUI?

Specializes in Psyche.

I didn't report a public intoxication arrest that happened in 2013 but I never heard anything about it from the tx BON. 

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