tips for time management when taking entrance exams


I have 3 classes I'm taking in the spring semester. Human developmental psych, humanities, and English 1102. That's 9 hours total. I have a 4.0 so far and am applying to Georgia perimeter college and gwinnett tech rn programs. One uses the teas and the other uses kaplan. I also want to take the Kaplan at brenau to get an idea of where I'm at and what I need to work on for the Kaplan at my top school of choice. My son will be in school so I can take classes during the day. One is completely online, another is hybrid and another completely on campus. I'm wondering how to best manager time and get these entrance exams done along the way. I haven't taken on this ugh yet in school but need to complete these courses. So can anyone lend tips on how to get by the spring semester successfully? Thanks

Specializes in Med/surg.

Hi there,

-- Read up on the kind of entrance exam you'll be taking. Find out things like: What is on the test? Is it in subject sections or with questions all together as one big part? Roughly how many questions? Is the test timed? Am I allowed to leave the room for a break or restroom? What is the scoring system? It's the best way to plan how to use your time.

-- Once you know those things, you might want to study or brush up to prepare. By doing this, you're less likely to spend more time on each question trying to remember how to solve the problem or deciding whether you still remember the concept properly.

-- One thing I've been told my whole standardized test life was... do the easiest questions first. If you're taking a minute to start working on the problem, or you feel that you just can't remember the answer, move on. Mark/remind yourself of that one being unanswered and continue on the the next one. It's always better to have answered all but a few uncertain ones that you might've missed anyways than to have wasted time and been unable to complete the ones you would have known.

-- Watch the clock, but not like a hawk. Watching the clock too much can make some people nervous, but checking the time as you complete-- say #25 out of 100-- tells you how much time you have left for the other 75% of the test. Is 40% of your time gone? You need to move quicker then. Otherwise, carry on.


Thanks for the quick reply. I am okay o. Those things more so than juggling all I have during the semester. That is what my concern is mainly about. I have 3 classes. 3 entrance exams each at a different school. 2 are the Kaplan and one is the teas. I need advice on how to prioritize my semester. ....

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I haven't taken then Kaplan exam, but I took the TEAS. You can't choose which answers to do, you get one question at a time, and the computer moves on- no going back. So no answering the easier stuff first.

I REALLY liked the ATI TEAS V study guide. The book is written in the exact same format as the exam, so it really preps you well.

I took two full days and read the book cover to cover, marked what I needed to review, reviewed that, and bang, DONE. Got a 96.

Study close to when you plan to take the exam. Don't stress too much.

How do YOU tend to take exams? Do you work fast or slow? For me, timed exams don't stress me out much, since I tend to take tests really fast, but I DO tend to miss words in the question sometimes, so I knew I needed to slow down and read every word. The best thing I can suggest is examine the way you take exams and be flexible with the way THESE exams are written. Do your best to balance the study time with your school studies. Are you a single parent, or do you have an SO or someone else that can keep an eye on your little one while you study for a bit?

Good luck!

Thanks for your responses! I am happy to say that I took my Kaplan entrance exam this past Friday the 14th, and made an 87. The scoring is done in a percentile fashion, and from where I stand, I am in the 96%. With a perfect GPA, my odds are looking pretty good and AN is such a big part of my success. Thank you all for everything!:up:

Hello NeonNatMom,

Can you please tell me what books you study for the Kaplan?

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