Published Sep 21, 2014
8 Posts
I am in 2nd year, of nursing. I was wondering if you guys had any tips to help make studying a little easier and more manageable. I am having some trouble keeping focus and not procrastinating. If you have any tips it would be appreciated. Thanks :)
3,677 Posts
I had to leave the house. I joked that studying at home is the best way to get my dishes and laundry done. I usually went to Starbucks or the library, and I took everything I needed with me. Another thing I did was put my laptop on the treadmill and walk slowly at an incline while doing my reading. It helped to keep the blood flowing, and it kept me from sitting on my butt for 6+ hours straight.
I really like the treadmill idea, because man sitting on the computer studying all day sucks for the body. I wish I had a treadmill though. Did you find exercise helped you study and retain more information? (This is potential stupid question please excuse) Thanks.
Summer Days
203 Posts
Not a stupid question. Exercise helps you take the break your mind and body needs to refuel. I jog for at least 35 min three times a week and during that time I go over what I just studied and this helps solidify info in my brain.
As for study tips, study in small increments. Say you allocated 2 hours of study time; study for 30 mins and take a 5 min break (do this x 4). The 5 min break is meant to recharge your brain and do absolutely anything non-school related to reward thyself. But remain disciplined, 5 mins means 5 mins, not 10 mins or 20. Have a timer if you are the sort that has trouble keeping time. Each week increase your study time by 5 mins. You are training your brain to study 5 mins longer than the week prior and when you reach the 1 hour mark, take 10 min breaks.
You may also find it helpful to study 2 hours in the AM and another 2 in the PM rather than 4 hours straight. At the beginning of each study session, do a recap of what you studied the session prior with closed books/closed notes; either recite it loud to yourself or write it down.
Another thing is to know what type of a learner you are cause all the above would be pointless if you are studying the wrong way. I'm a visual learner and I'll get more out of studies if I watch videos; once I grasp the concept reading the text becomes way much easier.
Hope that helps, study less but smart :)
Not a stupid question at all! I do feel that the blood flow to my brain really helped, and it kept me from getting that itchy, "I NEED TO GET OFF MY BUTT NOOOOOOOWWWWWW" feeling while trying to concentrate. Some stuff was easier to study this way than others.
Are there any treadmills at the gym on campus? I've also read while on the exercise bikes, and for me, that's more hit or miss, as far as retention. The treadmill seems to work better for me, but reading actual books on there is harder than on the bike.
It IS hard to take notes and make notecards while on the treadmill/bike, however. :)
The classes I have this semester are patho, skills, pharm, and med/surge.