Tips for getting organized?

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I've read a lot of posts talking about how important it is to "stay organized" when youre in NS. I'd like to hear some tips on what works for you. Let's here some details and specifics :) Thanks!

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I have a binder system (go with good sturdy plastic ones, they last longer). One for each class (with a dividers for syllabus, class notes, and study notes) and then a binder I take to school, with dividers for each class. When I'm home, I make any necessary study notes and then file them away.

I use a daytimer because I like paper, but I also have an iphone app called istudiez Pro to keep track of everything school wise. I can put in a semester, the classes, assignments and even weights of the assignments. It keeps track of my school schedule and syncs with google calendar too. I am fanatical about my grades and this app is great to track them.

I get everything laid out the night before. Clothes, lunch, book bag, breakfast, even my towel is hung on the back of the bathroom door.

I was totally overwhelmed the first week of classes (16 week semester crammed into 6!). I found making a checkoff sheet of everything I needed worked the best for me. For my class that starts tomorrow, I have a checkoff sheet with reading, videos, checklists to print and stuff to do before class already made out for the entire class. It keeps stuff from being missed.

I have MULTIPLE alarms set on my phone. I almost failed my entire CNA class because of the iphone alarm mess up. So now I have an ihome dock and use my iphone alarm as a back up, set 15 min after my regular one is set to go off.

I bought a rolling backpack, but haven't used it once, I bought myself a nice Swiss one instead. It fits my computer if I want it to (I don't use a computer in class) and is still smaller than the roller. Lots of pockets, best backpack I have EVER had.

Everyone finds what works for them, just don't be afraid to change or tweak it as you go along.

Thanks for all the tips! It's all helpful stuff. I've been thinking about getting a rolling backpack to save my back though I may wait until school starts to see how much stuff we actually need to lug around on a daily basis. Do you all use them?

I have a rolling book bag that I absolutely love - I am ok with being a NS nerd!! I am in a class of 40 and I would say about 1/3 of the students use them. Those of us that do are over-preparers, we like to have anything that we could possibly need with us. Those that don't use them think that we are crazy but come to us often when they don't have something they need. :)

A word of warning though, when us rollers are coming down the hall, lookout because we are not necessarily the best drivers! We have a history of accidentally damaging the corners of walls and have a lot of near misses with tripping each other! Lol

Specializes in Student.

What brand of rolling Backpack do you have ?

I am planning in getting one, and have just sarted to look.

I saw one at Target over the weekend for $ 80.00 and have heard good

things about the LL bean one.

There are so many gadgets to try, and it would be easy to over do it.

I'm also working on my study area this week, and plan on a BIG Dry-Erase,

and lots of shelves. the rest is a surprise waiting for me at Staples.

My rolling book bag is an Ativa Mobil It. I purchased it at Office Depot (link below). It is fairly large, opens from the top and is extremely easy to keep everything organized. It is an investment but well worth it. Many of my classmates have stated that they are upgrading to my bag because of its size and convenience. Originally I had purchased a smaller one but I couldn't even fit 1 class worth of books in it.

I just bought this one in navy, it is very sturdy, has lots of pockets and padded laptop storage(up to 17") and HUGE. I will most likely never wear it on my

back, it is too large!

I just bought this one in navy, it is very sturdy, has lots of pockets and padded laptop storage(up to 17") and HUGE. I will most likely never wear it on my

back, it is too large!

I wonder why they call that a backpack?! It's really just a small suitcase :)

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