Published Jul 7, 2011
157 Posts
hi guys:) i'm taking my nclex in makati on aug.5.. any tips/ advice on passing? i have mosby's nclex rn 3rd edition and i answer its cd 100 q's a day..i also took a review class from march to june.
oh and things to do before and on the exact exam day.. thanks guys :) god bless
for those who took nclex before in makati, any good hotel recommendations near pearson vue site?
38,333 Posts
Relax and practice relaxation techniques the day before. Good luck.
thank u very keep that in mind
they say attract good vibes,don't be negative that u'v failed..a lot of smart people fail too..the good thing u get from failure is that u learn new things.. god bless
109 Posts
good luck kabayan!!! please update us...:)
thank u pitxurri:) i sure will..
2 Posts
I took and passed the NCLEX last week in Illinois:) I took the Kaplan Review, read the Kaplan book and also the Saunders book which I had to buy for a class. I also had a sheet with critical lab values, theraputic dig, lithium, phenobarb levels, and ABGs that I carried with me for the week before the exam. I knew them pretty well but every time I was waiting in line, riding as a passenger in the car etc I would quiz myself. By the end of the week I could do them in my sleep! The day before the exam I slept in,drove to the testing center to make sure I knew where it was, studied just an hour and went to a relaxing dinner with some friends. My friend who took the NCLEX yesterday went to the beach the day before. The day of I would wake up with plenty of time, drink some coffee or tea and listen to some of your favorite songs on the way to the testing center. Best of luck:) You'll do great!