4 tines with nclex no success, don't want no part of it anymore

Nursing Students NCLEX


4 times with nclex and not successful. I don't want no part of it anymore

Dear OP,

I can understand how you're feeling. I failed the NCLEX four times. To make matters worse I graduated almost 10 years ago (Dec 2008). I attempted four times throughout those 9 years with at least 1.5 years between attempts (partly due to financial hardship, lack of time I have 2 young children 3 and 6, embarrassment, and lack of proper studying). I agree with you completely with your comment of coming to this forum looking for a little breath of encouragement and instead get slaughtered by negativity.

I finally passed this past November 2017 with 75 questions.

I studied Hogans and only Hogans. I completed 600 questions from each section before moving on to the next. I took notes on what was not clear to me (save to say I filled a nice thick journal).

The day before my test I made sure to relax as much as my children would allow.

The morning of I made a raw honest prayer asking God to please help me as I obviously cannot pass this test myself.

I went in expecting to test all the way to 265 questions and panicked when it shut down at 75. I was positive I failed and drove back home angry and ashamed. Two days later I checked the website on a whim.


God Bless

1 Peter 5:7 (it really helped me through my studies)

I finally passed this past November 2017 with 75 questions.


Oh wow congrats!! You are so brave. God is good.

Oh wow you are so brave I'm so proud of you, keep it up you can do it I love people like you who are so brave and never give up I love that!!!! Soon you will will be nurse cause you are so determined. Gob bless

Congrats congrats, so proud of you!!!

I think you should keep at it. It's beatable. While memorizing information is important, the key from my perspective is simulating the exam with practice questions. Put yourself in the most stressful environment possible (as if you are taking the exam) so that the stress of the actual exam is a walk in the park.

As others have said, there are a number of helpful good NCLEX books and guides out there and, in your situation, I would go for more questions.

Also, getting your body and spirit in order ahead of time is very helpful. Eat well, avoid alcohol, and get exercise to train for the exam. You can do it!


thank you :)

Thanks for the tips. But does anyone really know the feeling of failing four times. It is the worse feeling ever mentally. I work full time midnights, trying to juggle time to study and sleep. It is a constant mind game. Then you have to listen to people post on here. Four times, guess you better change your career. Have they ever been through this, I can guarantee you they haven't. Until they walk a day in my shoes, then keep your negative comments to your self.

I do!!! It's been 4 years since I graduated and I'm taking it for the 4th time this march!!! WE ARE NURSES YOU AND ME. JUST KEEP ON PUSHING THROUGH. YOU CAN DO THIS. I do know what you mean. I've been so depressed about it; can't sleep, high anxiety, always thinking about it, feeling guilty and embarrassed because I haven't passed. Listen.... remember why you chose to go into nursing. KEEP THAT FOCUS. It's gonna be hard but everytime you feel an ounce of negativity come into your mind about how much you've failed know this - although you failed (just like me) - you are still trying!! (just like me)

i knew getting into this that nursing wouldnt be easy (especially this nclex) but dont give up now!

You can try doing some questions on your computer in bed. If you miss a question don't worry or beat yourself up, be thankful that you missed it then and not on the NCLEX and just look and the rationale. Don't spend to much time on it. After you understand it, move on to the next one. When you get real sleepy, shutter down! When you sleep it will go into your long-term memory. I always thought that was a joke when I heard that in my AP class, the instructor said, "During REM sleep, the brain transfers short-term memories (the rationales you just reviewed) in the motor cortex to the temporal lobe to become long-term memories." I just took the NCLEXRN and passed it in 75 questions. I used this method of bedtime study (of course I studied during the day as well) for a couple of weeks prior to my exam. Something obviously worked!! You've got this!!

Hi guys can i get job without nclex with my degree i did my nursing outside of USA n tried nclex twice with all choice like saunders kaplan uworld assignment delegation etc but wouldnt achieve my goal i just want to leave try for my job base on my degree can i get it

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