Published Mar 25, 2014
32 Posts
How long does it usually take you to do one routine medicare visit? I usually spent 1 hour with the patient and 45 minutes to do documentation if there is nothing special.
15,461 Posts
In my view that is a lot of time. I try to keep my "routine" visit to one hour total (pt contact + documentation). I use my laptop in the home.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
45 minutes to document a routine, follow-up visit? That seems like a lot. I feel like I can document a visit in 5-10 minutes. I rarely spend a full hour with a patient. Most of my visits are 30-45 minutes. My patients are also not Medicare though, as they are children.
37 Posts
For a routine visit there would be no way I could spend a full hour with my patient. I have sometimes 5 a day and have to drive upwards of 20 minutes to each one. I am not saying I haven't with the ones who like to talk, but most of my patients would be like... uh, what are you still doing here? 30 minutes for a routine patient I can do everything I need to and then document fully in 30 minutes. Not including my IV patients and extensive wound care patients....
91 Posts
One hour total for a basic visit. 1/2 with the patient and 1/2 documenting average.
And that translates into what hourly wage for you?
Is that adequate to pay your bills?
It is all up to you...