any thoughts?

Nursing Students General Students


I am still waiting to find out if I got into the ADN program. Letters go out at the beginning of July. I should get in but you never know. I am 24, married and have a 3 year old son. My husband makes pretty good money but it is just wnough to pay the bills and eat hamburger helper. I just quit my stressful job and am looking for something else. My question is: how many of you worked while in the nursing program? I am afraid that I will not have any time to study or be able to spend time with my family. It is hard to explain my husband. He says that he is supportive of me going to school but I don't feel that he is. If I don't clean the house, it won't get done. Dishes will pile up, laundry won't get done, and nothing will be in its place. I was working nights and he would not even cook supper, he would give our son a sandwich or frozen dinner. He fight about it so much. I don't think he understands how much things are going to change once I am in the program. In order for everything to be okay, I will have to work, clean the entire house myself, cook every night, spend time with my son(not to worried about my husband after all that I have to do with no help:lol2: ) and still go to classes and study. Does anyone have any advice? Is my family going to fall apart in a dirty house eating hamburger helper every night or is it possible for one person to do all of this? I honestly feel like a single mom of 2 kids. Thank you for all of your help.

We don't fight about the house not being neat as a pin and I have found that I really don't care if someone doesn't like the way my house looks if they want it to look different they are welcome to clean it themselves!

It isn't the part about what others think that get me. It is the hatred of tripping over multiple things while navigating through a dark and quiet house while attempting to remain quiet :lol2:

I wish I knew what to say. Maybe we should go on strike. I would if it wasn't for my son. I did a few years ago before my son was born but could only live with the filth for about 2 days. We had a "talk" today. He said something along the lines of "I understand how stressful it will be blah, blah, blah." :banghead: Same darn thing over and over again. I am trying to get as much stuff done during the summer. Kinda trying to get rid of a bunch of stuff and make the house a little less cluttered. Trying to get more organized and all of that stuff. Maybe it will be a little more easy to handle if there was not so much to do around the house. I hope things work out with your situation. Good luck in school.

And after putting up with the 2 days of filth, I'll be even more angry than if I had cleaned it like I normally do. So I don't bother with the talk anymore, I clean so I don't get as aggitated... :lol2:

Good luck with your situation and school!! :heartbeat

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