Published Jun 23, 2009
169 Posts
I need to take chemistry as a pre-req for SUNY downstate. I am not good in math and am terrified of chemistry. There is no specification in the "type" of chemistry needed. Which kind of chemistry course would you say is by far the easiest kind of chemistry? Intro, Basic, General or are those all the same things?
Cee Cee
161 Posts
I took Survey of Chemistry with a lab component. Similiar to an intro chemistry course, we kinda skimmed through all the areas just touching the basics. I think general/intro chemistry courses are pretty much the same. I was terrifed to take the course because I'm awful at math, but to my surprise, I made an "A". I think alot of it had to do with the fact that I had a great professor. Good luck.:nuke:
144 Posts
It all depends on who the class was made for. When you look at the course description it will probably say something like "for majors/ acceptable for majors/ for non-majors". The class that is for non-majors is the easier one and it is usually called Intro for Chem. This class is made for people who need just a slight working knowledge of chemistry like nurses do (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, alcohols, etc.), but we don't need to know the bonding shapes of this molecule and that. General chem for majors usually goes much more in depth and starts bringing in energy theories and such.
Good luck!
887 Posts
I think that they might be the same thing, you'd have to check into that though. I took General Chemistry for Health Science majors which was a lot different from the other General Chemistry class. I got an A-. Oddly enough Chem wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be and it's mainly about remembering formulas and then putting them into the calculator.
Where are you taking the science course?
22 Posts
take gen chem 1, it depends on your professor, if you are doing bad, read the book and do the homework problems. That's all my advice to you.
Gentleman_nurse, MSN
318 Posts
I need to take chemistry as a pre-req for SUNY downstate. I am not good in math and am terrified of chemistry. There is no specification in the "type" of chemistry needed. Which kind of chemistry course would you say is by far the easiest kind of chemistry? Intro, Basic, General or are those all the same things?-Thanks, Cee Cee
You might want to call Downstate to ask which Chem they want. I assume they want the 1-semester survey version. I tutored chem at a school that offered three types of survey classes and and they all covered the same content. Don't sweat the math (I'm not a math person either) it's applied math so it makes more sense. The secret for doing well is 1. Do all the problems in your textbook till you can solve them in your sleep. 2. Know how to use a scientific calculator. 3. Get another textbook for a second opinion.
60 Posts
for downstate u need general chem