Thomas Jefferson FACT-1 2018 (Center City)

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all!

Just wanted to start a forum for TJU FACT-1 or 2 applicants to the Center City location. I submitted my app August 10 and had my interview yesterday. Feel free to contribute and ask questions! Let's help each other out during this stressful process : )

Hi! I was wondering if any of you guys could share any more details about the interview? Like what kind of questions they asked during it. I have mine tomorrow and just want to be prepared! Thanks:)

I have my interview tomorrow too! Maybe I'll see you there ;) I heard they ask why you want to be a nurse, why jeff, how you deal with difficult coworkers, how you work with people who have different values than yours. And what type of support system you have to get you through the tough program. How do you handle stress. My friend who went to jeff years ago said she was asked to teach the interviewer something. But that was before they had group interviews so not sure if they still ask that.

Ahhh I have my interview on Wednesday. Anyone have any last minute advice? I always feel like I don't do group interviews well! Also anyone able to shed light on what we do with our heavy winter coats? I assume everyone will have them since its been snowing like crazy, but seems very unprofessional to 1. carry it around or 2. lay it on a chair/lap.

Also, I hope everyone had great interviews last week! Best of luck to all of us, hopefully we will see each other in classes soon!

Interview was very very casual. Begins with a short video presentation about Jefferson nursing etc in their small auditorium/seminar room. I think everyone just put coats on their chair backs. Then you are asked to write down 3 answers (subjective) to two prompts regarding nurses and their duties. Don't overthink it or overwrite, it's only for your own use later in the interview (think bullet points to expand on later with the interviewer). After that you are separated into groups of 4-5ish people and the groups are escorted to small offices with an interviewer. Again I think we just carried coats and put them on the chairs. Interviewer asked a few questions to everyone (same question for all) and just randomly started with one person and switched it up with each subsequent question as to who started. Then there were different questions assigned to each of us, we were given a minute to think it over, and then we answered our individual questions in volunteer order (SUPER chill environment, it was less pressure than a one-on-one, and WAY less awkward or competitive than I imagined a group interview to be). Basically, there is no speaking over anyone, everyone is given equal time to shine. It was a really great experience.

And to add- I just received an email offering me admission to FACT 2 center city! While thrilled, FACT 1 was my first choice, and I feel depressed I didn't get into FACT 1. I am sure it's just a flood of emotions for me to go through, but at the end of the day I am so happy to be on track to have a career I am proud of, FACT 1 or not.

Good luck with your interview!!

I'm a bit confused. Can someone tell me the deadline for FACT 2 CC and why on the application it says the deadline is 5/15/2018?

For anyone still waiting to hear back and for future people who come across this thread: I had my interview last week. It was EXACTLY as snowflake described it above. I was really disappointed that they didn't ask questions about US as applicants. I walked out very discouraged. One of the girls I interviewed with was obviously the most experienced. However, I just received my acceptance yesterday! So, maybe the interview isn't as big of a part as we think? Anyway, my stats are pretty low (comparatively). I have a 3.46 overall GPA (only bc I had a really amazing fall semester last semester). I am a chemistry major and have MORE than my fair share of Cs on my transcript in upper-level chemistry courses. I had one C in physiology. Currently taking anatomy and nutrition (will be finished in a week though). Otherwise, my other pre-reqs were pretty good grades.

Also, does anyone know if theres an accepted students page yet? I'm going to be looking for a roommate if anyone else needs one! :)

I interviewed on Jan 10th and I'm surprised I haven't heard back yet. While my undergrad gpa is mediocre (3.2), I have a 3.9 in a science based masters and 4 years of emergency room experience. However, I am withdrawing my application as I was accepted into a physician assistant program and have an interview at another.

Update: was accepted to FACT 2. Turning down my seat. Good luck!

Does anyone think it's too late to submit my application? I was waiting to hear back from a school today as well and since I wasn't accepted I decided to submit it today. I know it's super late but was unsure if they held a few seats for late comers

Is it to late to apply?

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