This sucks!


Well - i've been working on my nursing pre-req's for 4 years. I have an A in every class EXCEPT the two of the three they use for out scoring system. Well one of them is english. The first time I had this horrible prof and only got a "B." So I'm retaking it this summer. My first paper was awesome. I even had my aunt (who is an english prof) look at it. She said it's an "A" paper. Well I got an 85 on it. What the heck. If I don't get an A in this class I'm screwed. It's stupid that I can bust my butt getting A's but one or two classes with a B can ruin everything. I'm considering looking for a new career.

Specializes in NICU Someday, I Hope.

You mean that the nursing school to which you're applying bases their admissions solely on the grades earned in 3 classes, one of which is some kind of English class?

I'm amazed. I've not come across anything like that at the various schools that I looked at. What are the other two classes?

If I were you, I'd double-check the requirements there and then start looking for different schools. If that's really how they admit, I'd be concerned that it's not a very good school.

For what it's worth, a B is not a bad grade.

They use a 12 point grading system. 4 points for number of credits completed. 4 points for grade on entrance exam. 4 points for grades in engl, psyc, a&p1 (your gpa in those classes is points you get) so I have 4 points for credits, should be able to get atleast 3.6 on test, and my gpa would only be 3.3. I would only have 10.9 points. Not enough to get in. It's a huge community college system. All the campuses closed at around 11.4 last year.

Specializes in 5th Semester - Graduation Dec '09!.

opps.. I re-read what you wrote. That scoring system sounds ridicules. They should look at your overall course work. ADN programs keep changing the "normal" application processes for nursing school. Waiting lists and now scoring 3 classes?? Silly!

They use a 12 point grading system. 4 points for number of credits completed. 4 points for grade on entrance exam. 4 points for grades in engl, psyc, a&p1 (your gpa in those classes is points you get) so I have 4 points for credits, should be able to get atleast 3.6 on test, and my gpa would only be 3.3. I would only have 10.9 points. Not enough to get in. It's a huge community college system. All the campuses closed at around 11.4 last year.

Are you at one of the campus at north harris? I might can help you.

Yeah - I go nhmccd. If you do than you can feel my pain. We are one of the few schools that go off points of just three classes.

Specializes in NICU Someday, I Hope.

What's so surprising is not just that they go off of only 3 classes but that two of them are English and Psychology.

I go to a community college in South Mississippi and it's somewhat the same. They don't admit you by points, but we must have English Comp I, Psychology, and A&P I to even apply to get the application for nursing school. Once we've passed those three classes we must score an 18 on the ACT's and pass the Nursing Entrance Test and THEN they will give us the application to nursing school. Once we complete the application I have no idea how they determine who gets in or not. It's all a scary process.. I'd hate to do all this work and then for some reason or another be turned down for nursing school. I think I would pitch some kinda major fit. It wouldn't get me anywhere, but it would make me feel better. :) Sorry I couldn't be of much help to you. Good luck!!!!!!

Yeah - I go nhmccd. If you do than you can feel my pain. We are one of the few schools that go off points of just three classes.

First of all take a deep breath. Ok now let me tell you my story...sorry for the long post. I just got in to the R.N. program at North Harris. I had a B yes a B in English and A in Pysch and A in A&P 1 and 2. Ok, listen the all campus will accept either A&P 1 or 2 which ever is higher for your points. I had total points before the hessi 7.7. 3.7 for the 3 classes because of the B and 4 points for having over 30 something credits. The rest comes from the entrance exam. Don't listen to other people because some people can discourage you. I also had a C in pharm even though they don't count that class against you, people were saying you probably won't get in because of the B in English and the C in Pharm. I am here to lift your spirits. You can do this, just make sure you have A's in your science if not retake thoses classes, new policy unlimit. Study and review the hessi before taken it because you want to do your best on this test because your last points come from this. Good Luck and if applying at Cy-fair try other campuses because of all the negatives comments that have been made.

Specializes in ER/Ortho.

The school I am applying to does the same thing. You get points for the hesi test, points for extra classes you have taken, and points for A&P1, English, Developmental Psych, and Chemistry. You only need a C in those 4 courses to apply, but you will not get in without an A.

Dont give up just retake the two classes. I am having to retake chem this semester because I have a B. The first time I took chem the professor was horrible. His lectures made no sense, he couldn't stay on task, some of the questions on the tests had no correct answer. After every single person in the class complained it was discovered he had the beginning stages of Alzhimers(sp) and didn't want to face the fact he couldn't remember what he was teaching, saying, doing etc. Anyway, midway through the semester we were all divided up and sent to different classes with different professors. My new professor was great, but the class was so far ahead of where I was. I had learned basically nothing and as you know chemistry is like building blocks. I worked my butt off and made a high B, but that wont do as I need an A to be competitive.

Don't give up over just a class to.....NO NO NO. Put your all into it and get those A's.

They allow you to retake classes more than twice now? I got a B in both my A&P classes. I am retaking 1 in the fall to apply for fall 2008. I think I was having a breakdown moment. This is all so stressful. I'm already going to be over 30 by the time I graduate. Oh well - better late than never. :monkeydance:

I definitely understand your frustration! My school only accepts by gpa on 6 classes and eng 101 is one of them. I was terrified because I'm not that great at writing papers.I was so much more confortable with the science classes. The problem is that papers are graded so subjectively.:angryfire Keep your chin up, it will all be over soon!

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