Things we think that we do not say... humorous...

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Just for fun, I am wondering if you would like to share some thoughts you have had during patient care that you did not speak out loud for whatever reason. My hubby does not enjoy my work stories, and I feel the need to share!

I'll start...

While assisting with peri care for a grey haired gentleman, I thought, "Oh - so your hair used to be red!" I am proud to say that I had the self-control not to say this out loud.

Anyone else want to share?

Specializes in Emergency.

bottom line: if you're not a nurse, go away and make an anti-nurse blog. Don't come on to the nurses blog and throw your opinions in here. it's super annoying... almost as annoying as the idiot (yes idiot) who comes to the ED and says "I'm allergic to everything but dilaudid and push it fast." Also, nobody cares about your weiner.

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